The Ask Me (Almost) Anything Thread

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Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying!
We are an 18+ multi-genre roleplaying and writing community open to writers of all types.
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Some general questions for the entire forum to answer:

1. After you've crushed your enemies, which is better in life: To see them driven before you, or to hear the lamentations of their women?

2. Cats or dogs? Supposing a friend going on vacation had one of each, and asked you to take care of one of them while someone else took the other one, which one would you take?

3. It's open bar tonight, but for domestic beer and rail shots only (meaning for beer: Bud, Coors, and whatever other corporate piss you always see on TV adverts; for shots and mixed drinks: Bacardi, Smirnoff, Crown Royal, Jose Cuervo, Bombay). What are you having?

4. A wealthy married couple pays you a huge amount of money to let them spitroast you on a hotel room bed. The woman will be using a strapon, and the man will wear a condom if you ask him to. Who's in front and who's in back?

5. You and three friends are isekai'd into a magical fantasy world based on D&D. A disembodied spirit representing the dungeon master presents the four of you with four statues that will grant each of you the skills and starting equipment of one archetypal character class: Warrior, Rogue, Healer, or Mage. Being allowed to choose first among your friends, which class do you pick?
What was the BEST concert you've ever been to?

Ask me anything @.@
Bad Wolves opened for Breaking Benjamin and Fiver Finger Death Punch... Like swoon!!!

What is your favorite ice cream?!?

As always, ask me anything!
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Okay so I has another question. What is your best, treasured memory?

Holy shit, deeeeep... Um, hmmm... First time I saw an angel (Is a spirit medium), I was coming out of my suicide attempt and get a huge blast of sunlight (from the angel) in my face and he was crying over me. A multitude of emotions ran through me to the point I couldn't move for a while and yeah, never attempted again and that angel is my guardian now. His name is Ceranael <3

Ask away!
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Holy shit, deeeeep... Um, hmmm... First time I saw an angel (Is a spirit medium), I was coming out of my suicide attempt and get a huge blast of sunlight (from the angel) in my face and he was crying over me. A multitude of emotions ran through me to the point I couldn't move for a while and yeah, never attempted again and that angel is my guardian now. His name is Ceranael <3

Ask away!
What's your favorite Metal Band and Artist? And Why? :>
Excited Horse Racing GIF by Ascot Racecourse
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What's your favorite Metal Band and Artist? And Why? :>

Oh jesus, you went there xD Um, omg it's so hard to pick just one. But ok, it hurts cuz there so much awesomeness out there, but Gojira is one of my top bands hands down. I always have such a ride when I listen to them. But they're very heavy.

Second place: Starset, oomph Dustin Bates' voice is angelic even in screams.

Third place: Spiritbox, Courtney is a goddess and she fucking slayz for dayz.

Ask me anything, as all ways ^^
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