• Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying! We are an 18+ multi-genre roleplaying and writing community open to writers of all types. Sign up today to have access to our forums and join our other talented members!

    After signing up, be sure to check your spam folder for our confirmation email. Due to the nature of most email servers' filters, emails from Umbra are often incorrectly marked as spam. Don't forget to check your spam folder and mark our emails as safe so you can continue to receive emails and notifications from your new roleplaying home!
  • Hi there Guest! It looks like you haven't verified your email just yet - you should receive a notification from umbraroleplaying@gmail.com (it may go to your spam) with a link to click. Once you do that, this notice will disappear!
  • Hi there Guest. As a reminder - when you are updating/editing your threads in the Requests areas - it is sent to our approval queue to be checked against our site rules. It will take about 24 hours to approve and post. Questions can be sent to Auntie Angel!
  • Hi there Guest! After every update - things are bound to be broken. We're no exception.
    If you notice something is missing or not working properly, please use the Bug Report Form to make Rei aware of them. Even if you feel it may be user error or that it doesn't need to be brought to someone in admin. Do it. I assure you it will help leadership in the long run.

Privacy Policy

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Umbra Privacy Policy
Here at Umbra Roleplaying we take personal privacy very seriously. As a general rule, Umbra Roleplaying does not collect your personal information unless you chose to provide that information to us. When you choose to provide us with your personal information, you are giving Umbra Roleplaying your permission to use that information for the purposes listed in this privacy policy. If you choose not to provide us with that information, your ability to use the site may be limited.


  1. Username - This is the name you sign up with and use around the site as a self-identifier. This name can be changed once a year by an Umbra Roleplaying administrator.

  2. Password - Your personal code used to log into your account.

  3. Email - Can be used in place of your username to log into your account. This email may also be used to send all members site-wide emails from the administrators. If you would like to opt out of email communication, you may do so by accessing your account details.

  4. Birth Date - As all members of Umbra Roleplaying must be 18 years or older, we do ask for your birth date to ensure all members adhere to this rule. You can control whether your birth date is shown publicly on your profile by accessing your account details.

  5. IP Address - This may be used as evidence to determine whether someone is attempting to circumnavigate a ban from the site. If you share a computer or WiFi connection with a family member, roommate, or significant other who also is a member of Umbra Roleplaying, please let a staff member know so you both are not mistaken for being one person.

  6. Cookies - Used to save your personal preferences and to keep you logged in even if you close your browser.

  7. IF YOU CHOOSE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE VOLUNTARY AGE VERIFICATION PROGRAM: We will temporarily examine a photo of you with your heavily-edited government-issued ID to verify your age. Once your age is verified, the photo is permanently deleted from our records. We will never require you to participate in this process. All participation is 100% voluntary on your part.


Umbra Roleplaying has taken precautions to ensure that the information we collect is secure and inaccessible by anyone outside of our site.

We have taken the following specific steps to protect your information:
  1. IP addresses are only accessible to members of our staff (moderators and administrators).

  2. Email addresses are only accessible to members of our staff (administrators).

  3. If not made public, birth dates are only accessible to members of our staff (administrators).

  4. Passwords are inaccessible to all members of staff. Administrators have the ability to reset a password, but once it is done we can no longer view the password itself. You have the option of resetting your password anytime through your account details.

  5. Servers that store visitor information are regularly backed up to protect against loss.

  6. All information is secured through modern security technologies such as secure socket layer (SSL) and secure passwords.

  7. Voluntary Age Verification submissions are accessible only to administrators through the official site email.

All access safeguards described above are in place to prevent unauthorized access by outsiders to information stored on or transmitted by our site.


You can do the following at any time by contacting an administrator via PM:
  1. Ask for a list of personal information we have about you, if any.

  2. Request a change or correction of personal information (username, password, email or birth date if it was entered incorrectly).

If you do not wish to have cookies stored on your machine, you have the option to turn cookies off in your browser. However, keep in mind that turning off cookies may have a negative impact on your usage of the site and how your browser interacts with sites other than Umbra Roleplaying.

Whenever we collect any sensitive information (such as emails and birth dates), the information is securely transmitted. You are able to confirm this by looking for the “lock” icon in the browser address bar and by ensuring the URL link begins with “https.”


We understand that sometimes life gets in the way and priorities change. If you make the decision to leave Umbra Roleplaying and delete your account, here’s what you need to know:

  1. You may delete your account by clicking on the "Delete Account" option in your user drop down menu.

  2. Once your account is deleted, your username, email, birth date, and any other personal information collected are all purged from the system. While any content you posted on site will remain, your username will be changed to a generic title chosen by our staff.

If you are concerned at any point that we are not following this privacy policy as stated, please contact us immediately via email at umbraroleplaying@gmail.com.​
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