The Ask Me (Almost) Anything Thread

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Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying!
We are an 18+ multi-genre roleplaying and writing community open to writers of all types.
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Hello, Umbranites! I thought it would be fun to create a little AMA thread for the community. Asking one another questions is a fun way to get to know one another, so... why the hell not?! I am happy to be the first guinea pig in this fun lil' experiment.

First, some rules:

1. Anyone can participate, either as the asker or askee. If you're open to being an askee, simply post to this thread, "Ask me (almost) anything."

2. Askers can ask any question to anyone who has posted saying they want to be an askee EXCEPT questions that may reveal private information (legal names, where someone lives, et cetera).

3. Askees have the ability to reject any question for any reason. This is thread is just for fun, it is not intended to make anyone uncomfortable. If someone rejects a question, respect their decision and move on.

4. Be sure to tag the person you're asking so they know you're questioning them directly. If you answer a question, either quote or tag the asker.

All right, loves. Let's get this chaos started. Ask me (almost) anything!

Nevermind, Very important question, for the science team. Are you single?
What's your deepest fantasy or desire? Not necessarily dark but your dream (sexual or not).
also. Ask me (almost) anything.
Are you from Quebec? I noticed the French you used in your intro thread sounded colloquial, like a native speaker might phrase it.
No, but my father was and I am indeed a native speaker. North-Eastern Ontario is shockingly jam-packed with french speakers, particularly the region of Prescott & Russell where I was born but no longer live. What about you? Which area of Canada are you from?
I get you, I get you. Honestly I find Montreal more comfortable than Toronto, but they're both nice cities. Ottawa's kind of a nice middle point between them, I find... I mean, the ambience there is for nothing, but it's easier to get to either from it.
It's the genus name for the potoo species of bird. I happen to think it sounds like a fairly cool word, and it's readily shortened (I go by Nyco on Discord, for example), plus I love that it sounds all mysterious and strange but you go and look it up and you get THIS dumb fucker.
