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What is your favorite genre?

Oh, fun! I love discussing favorite genres~

Videogames: RPG, MMO, strategy (real-time and turn based)
Books: Fantasy (high or low)
TV/Movies: Comedy, fantasy
Writing: Fan-fiction, fantasy, super hero
Hm, let's see...

Vidya: All kinds, but I lean more toward strategy, puzzle, and shooter games... and RPGs if there's any sex in it. But SRPGs like Fire Emblem and Front Mission have a special status for me.

Books: Non-fiction, history and politics, mainly

TV: Dramas of the HBO sort. I don't watch much TV any more, but I'll buy the DVDs of a show if it's good, like Game of Thrones or whatever (from before it jumped the shark, of course)

Movies: I haven't seen a movie in a long time, but I used to enjoy action and sci-fi, like Aliens and Terminator... though it might just be that I have favourite directors, like James Cameron and Michael Mann and Christopher Nolan

Writing: I like to write fantasy, mainly because it's easy. Also sci-fi, for the worldbuilding opportunities. When you create a new world, you can write whatever you want and let the world conform to what you wrote. But when you write something based in an existing world, real or fandom or previous in a series, you have to stay consistent with what came before, and that's a lot harder to do, the more canon there is.

Youtube: Much of my leisure time went here in the past years, split between videos about military history (antiquity, medieval, and renaissance), and videos about philosophy, religion, politics, culture, all that shite.