The Ask Me (Almost) Anything Thread

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@Genak who is your favorite actor to ever put on the batsuit? Also, who's your favorite dark knight villain?

@ReireitheSmileFaerie have you ever licked toad to get high?

@Nevermind what are some things which inspire you to write and help keep those creative juices flowing? Music? Films? Novels? Other? Specifics would be lovely.

And I'm a pretty open book so AMA.

Oh gosh. Okay. No. I haven't, I'm too paranoid of a person to get high in any capacity - and I'd feel hella guilt over slurping a frog.

@Lo What's your favorite movie?
@FrostStorm wjat I'd your favorite mythological/fictional creature and why?

@Genak herrrg that's hard to say because I had to look it up. It's been so long since I've even heard Dux Ryu that I had to look it up. Pardon for my surface level opinion: I think there's some truth to it. You can learn martial arts and it's not too uncommon to put your own kind of twist on it. Now I can't say how effective it is or if it's origins are true, but I think it's an adaption of a couple different styles put together.

Now from what I read Frank spent some time in Southeast Asia, which has so many major and small variations of unarmed combat including things like Muay Thai, it's possible he did spend time learning and fighting and developing a style.

In the end, again, I think there's SOME truth to the style but whether it's more of a showy style or an efficient one, I'm not sure.
@FrostStorm wjat I'd your favorite mythological/fictional creature and why?

@Genak herrrg that's hard to say because I had to look it up. It's been so long since I've even heard Dux Ryu that I had to look it up. Pardon for my surface level opinion: I think there's some truth to it. You can learn martial arts and it's not too uncommon to put your own kind of twist on it. Now I can't say how effective it is or if it's origins are true, but I think it's an adaption of a couple different styles put together.

Now from what I read Frank spent some time in Southeast Asia, which has so many major and small variations of unarmed combat including things like Muay Thai, it's possible he did spend time learning and fighting and developing a style.

In the end, again, I think there's SOME truth to the style but whether it's more of a showy style or an efficient one, I'm not sure.

Why you do dis? I have soo many favorites but, if I had to choose I'd say dragons cause they're big, majestic and no matter what species of dragon they are they're absolutely beautiful. My favorite species of dragon is the pern dragon.

And for you, what's your biggest pet peeve?

@Nytera what's your favorite character to play when you rp? Or do you come up with them on the spot?

Also, AM(A)A
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I usually come up with new ones for each RP that I participate in. That being said I do have a couple of characters that I've made that I will occasionally fall back on simply because I enjoy their concepts.

What is the longest running RP that you've ever had?
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@Nyctibius what is your favorite thing about Nyco and Nev in the morning?

Aside from just how goddamn funny they are to me, I love having a chance to let everyone see that Nev and I are just people too. We talk and fuck up and laugh at dumb things and while we're 90% professional on the site, we're really just here to do what all the rest of you are here to do. Have fun. I hate sites where the admins seem aloof and distant and uninvolved with the community, so, yeah. I dunno. Sharing a little bit of "behind the scenes" stuff just feels appropriate.

After that it's how much of a kick people get out of it. The responses are always as good as the conversations themselves.
@Dao Ma Brownies!!! Ah, what a solid choice!!

I own very many things in my favorite color, which is glitter. But if I had to choose a solid color, it would be pink. My phone is pink. I have a lot of pink shirts and sweaters and make up. I'm very much a frou-frou sparkle queen when it comes to my aesthetic.

Speaking of pink: What's your opinion on Kirby?

@Nevermind What is your favorite routine of self care? Face masks? Long hot showers? Meditation? How do you like to pamper yourself?

@Nyctibius How many avatar icons have you had since Umbra's conception? xD I am always surprised and delighted by their change.
Holy shit, y'all really like this thread and it has GONE OUT OF CONTROL. I caught three questions for me but if I missed something, just fucking scream at me. Please. [fa]heart[/fa]

@Nevermind What is your favorite way to relax?

This may come as a surprise, but I'm actually pretty terrible at relaxing. My default is to just nap because I'm perpetually exhausted, but as much as I love a good nap, it isn't always terribly productive. When I want to treat myself, I go see a movie, watch a comedy special from one of my favorite comedians, or do some crochet while I listen to a podcast. Hell, even just washing my face and using some refreshing toner and a moisturizer (that's right, ya boi does some skin care) can be enough to chill me out and make me feel refreshed and relaxed.

@Nevermind what are some things which inspire you to write and help keep those creative juices flowing? Music? Films? Novels? Other? Specifics would be lovely.

Ooof, this is a good question. I'd say other pieces of writing are most inspirational for me (novels, poetry, song lyrics, etc). As writing is my artistic medium of choice, I find it the easiest to relate to and thus find inspiration. However, movies are a huge bit of inspiration as well (they are very much both a written and visual work of art, afterall). I adore movies and find great pleasure in analyzing plot structure, character development, and other written aspects of films to see how I can learn and perhaps integrate certain aspects of my favorite films into my writing.

When all else fails, I just force myself to get off my butt and to write, even if I am not 100% feeling it. Sometimes just the act of trying can begin to get the juices flowing, leading to some good shit.

@Nevermind What's one food you absolutely cannot stand?

I fucking hate olives. I think they're disgusting, and no matter what's done to them I just do not like them ever at all. Mushrooms are also a big no, moreso due to texture than flavor.

Although I wouldn't call myself the pickiest eater, I do have my things. Like I hate mixing fruit with savory foods. Always. No, I don't want pineapple on my pizza or hamburger. I do not want apples or strawberries in my chicken salad. I hate cranberry sauce during Thanksgiving. NO. FRUIT. WITH. MY. SAVORY. EVER. (Keep in mind, I love fruit, just only by itself or in desserts.)

Oh, and I hate all melons. Cantaloupe, honeydew, watermelon, you name it. Hate 'em. I will not eat a fruit salad if it has any melon in it, which is a shame because most prepackaged fruit salads have all the melon.

Not a fan of cucumber, strawberry ice cream/milk, quinoa. All blegh.

Maybe other stuff...
Nev's a Taurus, I'm just warning you, that might end up being a very long answer...

@Nyctibius How many avatar icons have you had since Umbra's inception? xD I am always surprised and delighted by their change.

Oh, god, I have no idea. At least a dozen. I'm a creature of change. I get bored of pictures very quickly and have to keep on recycling and refreshing and using something new. I actually asked Nev yesterday what I should change it to, something funny, serious, or sexy. He told me funny, and we ended up on "I don' ge' it" Lemmy.

Expect it to change again before the week is out.
@Nevermind What is your favorite routine of self care? Face masks? Long hot showers? Meditation? How do you like to pamper yourself?

I love washing my face and doing a little skin care. Facial cleanser, toner, moisterizer. I also buy fairly expensive hair care products because taking care of my mixed heritage hair makes me feel good (even though I shave most of my hair off but whatever).

I love a good, long shower. Hot, chilly, whatever depending on the day. I love putting lotion on my body and getting my skin all soft and supple, and putting on sun screen to care for my tattoos if I'm going to be out in the world that day.

Also, I don't do this super often, but every once in a while I will treat myself to a good ol' professional waxing where they tear out my hair AND I'M FUCKING HAPPY ABOUT IT. Smooth, soft, glorious, glowing olive skin. That is my goal forever.
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@FrostStorm Ahh, dragons are a good one! They are majestic. And in many Asian cultures, represent the highest status (like Emperor).

My biggest pet peeve is being talked to like I'm a child or I don't know anything. I look a lot younger for my age, and I'm mild tempered in a professional setting. But because of that, I tend to get talked down to like I'm not that educated or I'm too young to understand. Pisses me tf off. OH WAIT. NO. Better one: If I did something wrong, not being told. Like, I can't freaking fix the problem if I don't know there's a problem in the first place. Or, if say, I didn't do a proceedure correctly, just TELL ME and I'll try to fix it. Don't leave me in the dark and make me think everything is okay when it's not. That's the fastest way to initiate my 'I will have a grudge against you for the next ten years because I can be internally petty like that'.

@Sunshine Kitti Kirby? He's so full of it. Get it? Full of it? He eats things and... yeah, I know. I'll see myself out now. XD
But no, seriously, the only real thing I know about Kirby is that he's a Nintendo staple and I played one of the original Gameboy Advanced games (or was it Gameboy Color?) where you actually had to tilt your handheld to get Kirby to move through these puzzle mazes. I loved it. It was ingenious. That and I was hella into the Hamtaro game back then lol. And Pokemon. Always Pokemon.

@Nyctibius Longest running RP that I've had... now are we talking about that I've GM'd or that I've been a part of? I'm trying to remember the longest running one I've GM'd. It's been a while. The one I can think of off the top of my head was INVICTUS-- a supernatural secret agency where agents went out and did missions to maintain peace within the world. It had a couple breaks in between because I was going through some irl stuff but for the most part I had a very large but very dedicated crew. That's where I met Tari, The Wanderer, Strider, uh... and a few others. Idr if they ever ported over elsewhere. In terms of ones that I've been in, Rogue Corps (same concept) and Sixth Rift (a rebellion rp where a team of rebels went on missions to take down the gooberment). Both had very dedicated playerbase and it was just absolutely wonderful. They came to bitter ends, but they were all fun while they lasted.

I'll ask some questions when I catch up and do a load of laundry lol.
@Sunshine Kitti What's your preferred genre to write about/in? What's your favorite kind of movie? Your favorite book?

Ooh, many questions! This'll be a nice break from what I was doing haha!

I love fantasy in all stages. I always find myself writing with some suspension of belief, because I really enjoy exploring things that I have to wonder about. That also kind of extends to sci-fi because the idea of space being regarded with this wide-eyed childlike wonder really captivates me. There are entire worlds out there and they could really be anything. But, my all-time favorite kind of story will always, always be food related. I could wax poetic about someone brewing coffee. That is my ultimate favorite place to be when I get in the headspace for it.

My favorite kind of movie are feel-goods. I like scary movies, but I don't like to be scared, but if they're not scary they're dumb so I tend to avoid them altogether. But I usually end up watching a lot of animation and family-friendly things because they make me happy!

My favorite book is The Night Circus, by Erin Morgenstern. If you have not read this book, stop what you're doing and go pick it up. It captivates you with the opening and does not let go until the very end. God. I wish I could write like that.

(Also, @Nevermind Hell yeah to self care. That video is hilarious and I can't wait for him to do Libras.)

Okay, back at you both, Nyco and Nev: If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would you choose?

Spaghetti. It can be made so many different ways, with so many different types of sauce and noodles, I'd never really get bored of it. If I had to pick one TYPE of spaghet... probably something with traditional noodles, marinara sauce, and a nice, chunky, spicy meat to go with it. I like my spaghetti saucy and meaty. God, my mouth is watering just thinking about it. It's possible I'm just freaking starving.

@Nyctibius If you were stuck on a desert island what's one thing you couldn't live with out and why?

Now this, this is a question I have always struggled to answer. I think the broadest answer I could get away with is 'some form of entertainment'. Books are nice, having a library there would be ideal, but I know I have to narrow it down. I guess if I really had to pick I'd say a laptop with unlimited power and a hard drive full of different games and books. Maybe that's cheating, but boredom is the worst possible thing I could imagine being stuck with.

Either that, or Nev. I think it might actually be nice to be out there with him and nothing else.
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@Nyctibius with one being not too bad and ten being awful I say 100, yep, not a typo, 100. I give Clooney props for trying, but the script sucked and he did not suit the role at all. Also what the fuck is up with Bat-nipples, like for Batgirl they were hot, but Alicia Silverstone should never have been Batgirl either and they fucked her origin up so bad. The ONLY good thing about that movie, other than the fact that it ended, was Uma Thurman as Poison Ivy.