August Writing Prompt

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It's already August, and soon people are going back to school, or ending their summer holidays. I still have a few more weeks to go, but can't wait to get back on the routine! I wanted to come up with a prompt that would be timely, just like last month, while still keeping it fairly open for people to come up with their own ideas for what it's about. If you guys have any ideas for prompts, stuff you'd like to see as prompts, throw me a PM! Now, let's get on with it!

Wikipedia explains the word "Harvest" as "the process of gathering a ripe crop from the fields", but the word itself comes from the Old English word for autumn, harvest-time or August, hærf-est. In British dialect, the word harvest still means the season of gathering crops and autumn. Most harvest festivals though seem to be held in September, October or November, like Thanksgiving for you Americans out there.

Most harvest festivals include, on top of harvesting the crops, cooking, eating, praying and all around being thankful for the harvest made, and praying for the future crops to be plentiful.

The word "harvest" can also mean collecting souls, body parts, or information. (Cambridge Dictionary)

So what does this time of year make you think of? Is it time to be thankful for all the food and good things you've gotten through the year (it's been a tough year, but still), is it time to go back to your pagan roots and pray for the gods and goddesses of the old, or perhaps a time for souls to be harvested, and taken to another realm? Please, share your creations below! Writing, painting, singing, whatever it be, I wanna see it!

Extra challenge! Make sure to include plastic in some form.
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