Angel's Metalhead Haven

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Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying!
We are an 18+ multi-genre roleplaying and writing community open to writers of all types.
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A place to talk through and discuss our thoughts
Ever heard of Mount Salem?
Came out with one album then disappeared like unicorns.
Highly recommend.
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I have to give some love to that Space Lords song. I didn't realize how long it was until after 6 minutes and it was still going I looked back and checked the time. 21 minutes! 21 minutes of cool groove. Like a harder/grittier form of Iron Butterfly. I haven't smoked weed in a long time, but I could easily light one up to this track. For today, I'm content to just be high on life.
I have to give some love to that Space Lords song. I didn't realize how long it was until after 6 minutes and it was still going I looked back and checked the time. 21 minutes! 21 minutes of cool groove. Like a harder/grittier form of Iron Butterfly. I haven't smoked weed in a long time, but I could easily light one up to this track. For today, I'm content to just be high on life.

Right on! Glad you liked it.
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I forgot how much I love Sepultura <3 *Aggressive head nodding*
Adam Sandler Head Nod GIF
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I may not look it but I love metal/rock.
Bad omens, Motionless in white, Black Veil Brides, Within Temptation and quite a few others are my favourite bands.
No, you're not late! Post some vids and contribute to the music pool <3

Also, Happy Monday everyone!
I'm highlighting one of my favorite Bands! x3
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