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“A New Moon Arises, What Lurks in the Dark? Come and Enter, If You Dare…”

My preference on communication:
Please contact me via Direct Message (link)


Fall is Upon Us, Let the Moon Rule The Early Night
Welcome Wagoneer
I Vote

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>"You have decided to take a night stroll to clear your mind…"

>"As you walk through down the pathway by your home, you look up to see the sky is black, midnight blackness, there is no moon in the sky…but you keep walking forward…"

>"Suddenly, a soothing sound fills the air, beckoning you closer and closer…you try to resist the call, but your feet move on their own..one step after another…then…a branch appeared…"

>"A scream escaped your lungs as you stumbled over a nearby branch, you ended up tumbling down a rocky hill before crashing into the roots of an ancient tree…"

>"There appears to be a gaping hole between the roots? Do you enter?"


>"Roots grab and wrap around your ankles, dragging you deeper into the depths of the cave. There you are greeted with a strange sight, a cloaked figure with stretched features elongated in an equine appearance. The figure holds a crystal ball and smiled…"

"Hello there weary traveler, what brings you out on a night like this? There is no moon to guide you with its elegant light nor the sun's brilliant rays, there is only darkness. Perhaps, you were brought here by fate, choice or accident. But, come and have some tea with me traveler…let me fill your ears with stories of old…stories of the dark…stories of the heart…"

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Welcome, welcome! To the dark side of the moon, a realm of pleasure and pain.

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Been meaning to write one of these for a while, so here it is! Before we dive straight into things, a bit of housekeeping!
Things Luna does,

☽I tend to write between 200-1500 worded replies, I am pretty detail oriented. (I will tend to match the same effort as my writing partner.)
☽Prefer Pms (No threads)
☽I'm quite active, I will try to post daily and tend to be open communicator type.
☽Ghosting is eh, I rather you tell me if you lose interest or wanna out the roleplay in the back burner. (But, please communicate with me, it's difficult to get anywhere if there's a blockage between both roleplayers)
☽Preference is MxF when it comes to romance (May be open to explore other topics)
☽I tend to lend in writing female characters
☽Horror/Gore is Cool With Me, within reason of course.
☽When writing smut, I am a switch, so I can play either field.
☽I'm pretty open to Kinks! There are a few I won't do, which you can find under No's.
☽I prefer not straight up smut, I like a buildup, gotta have chemistry first.
☽60/40 (story/smut ratio)
☽ I'm chill with furries, humanoids, monsters, robots, etc
☽Diving into mature subjects, I tend to be pretty open, but must be talked about ahead of time.
☽I like to roleplay a diverse array of characters (from slender, tall, short, chubby, etc) but I'm not going to change my character to fit your preference.

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☽No-Nos and Rules,
☽Family relations, Nondon (Dubcon is diff), Bloating, Vore, Bathroom play or anything anal
☽Follow Umbra Site Rules
⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆

Certainly craving:
1. Monster X Human
(Naga x Human)
(Alien x Human)
(Male Centaur x Human)

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1. Fantasy
2. Romance
3. Horror
4. Sci-fi
5. Dystopian
6. Medivel
7. Modern fantasy (normal human world modernity is fine)
8. Mystery
9. Slasher/old horror films
10. Gothic fantasy
11. End of the World/Zombie
12. Adventure/action
*Fandoms Interested in*
1. Undertale
2. Resident Evil Series
3. Gravity Falls
4. Adventure time
5. Amphibia
6. Old Slasher films like Friday the 13th, Micheal Myers, etc
7. Fallout series
8. Oneshot
9. Fnaf
11. The Walking Dead
12. Elderscrolls/Skyrim
13. The Last of Us
14. DC heroes
15. Marvel
16. Detroit becomes human
17. Warrior cats
18. Star Wars
19. Bioshock
20. Red dead redemption
21. Arcane
22. Way more! Feel free to ask.
*Dynamics (possibly ships, I love romance lol)*
1. Monster x Human
2. Enemies to Lovers
3. Bestie friends
4. Villian x hero
5. Strong character X soft character
6. Royalty x Commonfolk
7. Rivals to lovers
8. Shy character x Bold character
9. Protective/Obsessed character x oblivious character
10. Tall character X short gremlin
*A few concepts love to do! (will be added on)*
1. Merman/Siren X Female sailor
2. Werewolf and human
3. End-of-the-world romance, two characters surviving a zombie-invested land.
4. Sci-fi world with experimentation or horror elements like a ship left and destroyed by something strange
5. Forbidden romance
6. 80s/90s theme slashers with final girl
7. Anti-hero/Villian x hero
8. Fantasy world with dragons and knights
9. Angsty raw romance
10. Overprotective type that goes a bit overboard with partner
11. Hunter x Hunted
12. Experimentation/Lab
13. Superheroes x villian

Plot ideas: WIP

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☽ Naga x Human
☽ Alien x Human
☽ Demon x Angel
☽ Sinner x Angel
☽Fallout Series (Oc <3)
(More to come, I'm slow af at updating these)

Shoot me a PM if you're interested and let's get smutty up in here!
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