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  • Hi there Guest. As a reminder - when you are updating/editing your threads in the Requests areas - it is sent to our approval queue to be checked against our site rules. It will take about 24 hours to approve and post. Questions can be sent to Auntie Angel!
  • Hi there Guest! After every update - things are bound to be broken. We're no exception.
    If you notice something is missing or not working properly, please use the Bug Report Form to make Rei aware of them. Even if you feel it may be user error or that it doesn't need to be brought to someone in admin. Do it. I assure you it will help leadership in the long run.

Announcement Welcome to 2024!

Information provided by the Umbra Leadership Team regarding the site's activities.


Frog Leader Extraordinaire
Umbra Supporter
I Vote
Happy New Year Love GIF

Howdy howdy howdy, darlin's! I know we've been a little quiet on our end, but as we move into the new year, our team wanted to take a minute to express some thoughts to you all as we move on and ahead.

From yours truly!:
The happiest of new years to you darlings. I know everyone has their own corner of stress happening, and some people are struggling more than others. But you are each loved, valid, and have a frog thinkin' of you over here ♥ Even if I'm hibernating a little bit. I want us to continue to grow, and to support one another like nobody's business.

Auntie Angel (~MetalAngel444~) :
We had a great year, alot of old faces have returned and we have many new fresh faces. Let's keep a positive momentum into the new year and make it better than the last!

Prac :
Grateful for you nerds. ♡

Let you declare 2023 complete—whether you did what you said you were going to do, wanted to do, or you didn't—and let you eat well, rest easy, and be unmovable in your magnificence.

Bee (beesmusings)
Happy New Year Umbra! 2023 was a big year. I'm very grateful to be a member of staff and help out as much as I do. I'm grateful for you all. I can't wait to see where we'll all be by 2025!

Happy New Year to everyone at Umbra! 2023 was a wonderful year and I finally had my dream come true to become staff here and cheer you all on! I wish you all an amazing year ahead and keep writing! You all are an asset to our community!

Red (Redtro)
I'm so grateful I was able to help my favorite community and I'm beyond overjoyed to get to use my art skills to help improve the site as a whole! Thank you for all you've done to make this group a safe and comfy place to be. For 2024, I hope we can expand our family and bring the joy of writing to as many people as possible! Happy New Year!

Lady Mothra
Let's go 2024! Happy New Year everyone! I will continue doing the job I love which is
Welcoming all new members, wishing everyone a happy birthday and always spread good vibes around the site.


Keep in mind - You want more partners, remember to vote! It advertises our site for us the more votes we have~ and it resets every month, vote vote vote! RT Approvals are LIVE, please give me 24 hours after posting to message me on approval. I have yet to actually need that 24 hours, so please remember we all have lives beyond the site.

I challenge you to pick a word for this year, a theme to stick to.
My word for 2024 is going to be 'Grace' - to give to others, to act with, and to give myself, most importantly.

Put your word in the comments ♥ What does it mean for you?
My word for the new year is... Serenity. As my mind is often scattered, I find it sometimes hard to place yourself in the present moment, feel it and accept it for what it is. I want to work towards finding a more general peacefulness in all moments that permeate my life this coming year, good or bad.

Can't wait to disrupt all of my characters' serenity for the entirety of 2024