Virgil's RT [Fandoms, Original Fantasy/Sci-Fi/Etc]

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Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying!
We are an 18+ multi-genre roleplaying and writing community open to writers of all types.
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Looking for Roleplays to hold with one other person and develop a story.
My preference on communication:
Please contact me via Direct Message (link)
Dec 17, 2022
Hello everyone, and welcome to my RT. No matter if you decide to write with me or not, I hope everyone is doing well and that you - ultimately - find a partner that suits your needs. With that out of the way, let's jump into things.

First I'd like to go over some rules/requests that I make of future partners, as well as some information about myself. I do ask, as tempting as it might be to simply scroll down and see if we have compatible plots/fandoms, that you do read them.

  • I am in my twenties, and greatly prefer to play with players over the age of 20. This isn't a hard rule, but I feel slightly more awkward when playing against people still in their teens.
  • I have a life outside of RP. As I'm well sure you do as well. For this reason I ask my partners to be conscientious of that fact when it comes to the speed of replies. I try and stay consistent, but I'm working full-time while also attending university, so there may be unexpected delays. I will let you know if I'm going to be gone for an extended period of time (a time exceeding a week), but will not, for example, always keep you in the loop if I'm going to be absent for a few days. Please do not spam me if I am gone for a few days (which has happened in the past), and I will extend the same courtesy to you.
  • On the discussion of replies, I make no promises to the length of any replies given. For the longest time I tried to match the length of that of my partner, but found that it - generally - bogged down the experience/story. I will put the tempo of the story/scene before anything else. Meaning that I could end up posting a few lines, or the better part of a novella. I want to be able to properly respond to what you've given me and give you a springing off point so that we can keep pace, but I've found that doing so sacrifices consistency for that more natural flow. If you require certain word counts, I am not the partner for you.
  • Communication is paramount! Always be honest with me, and I'll always be honest with you. Not liking where the story is going? Tell me. Getting tired of writing with me? Tell me. Sometimes certain people don't mesh well when it comes to writing with one another, and that's perfectly fine. If you do have an issue with the RP (or me), please tell me and don't just ghost me. At best we can work together to find a solution to make the RP better, and at worst we can amicably part ways. I've been a part of too many RPs who crumbled simply because people felt too awkward to bring up these concerns with one another. Don't let our theoretical future RP be one of them.
  • I don't guarantee romance. This is going to be a tough sell, and if that's a no-no for you, I completely understand. I like romance when and where it feels appropriate. Sometimes characters just don't have chemistry with one another, and I really don't like forcing my characters to do things that they don't want to do. On the other hand, I will never rule out romance. Sometimes characters who shouldn't have chemistry end up having it. As such I don't like plots that require either romance or the lack thereof, as this can - and has - go terribly wrong.
  • While we're talking about romance I will bring up the point that I will do every type of pairing. I am, for full transparency sake, a man who has mostly had relationships with other men, so MxM is what I as an individual have the most experience with. That said I will gladly write MxF or FxF, or something including a non-binary character. It really doesn't bother me in any way what type of romance is present, or the gender of the character I play. As I mentioned in my last point it's the chemistry that sells a romance for me, not sexuality.
  • And, let's conclude the trio of romance points with the topic of smut. I will write it, and am generally laid-back when it comes to certain kinks/elements you'd like to bring forth. I only have two hard no's: bathroom play, and use of loli/shota characters (and before, 'they're actually a thousand years old!' I don't care, I find it uncomfortable). I would prefer smut be kept to a minimum throughout the RP however, as I'm more interested in plot-centric RPs.
  • This, much like the age point, isn't so much a hard rule but more of a preference: I don't like real life face-claims. I much prefer using artwork or descriptions for appearances instead of real people. If you're firmly in the real life FCs camp then I'm happy to do so for you, but I would prefer if this was not the case.
  • I much much much prefer that we RP either here on the forums, or through DMs, and not through an IM service such as Discord. I have done so in the past, but I would rather not again. (Though you are more than welcome to add me on such a platform to discuss the RP with me in a quicker fashion.)
Now that we've got that out of the way, let's get into the juicy stuff, the RPs themselves!

I will do both original ideas, as well as fandoms. The only thing I will not do, or in the very least is harder to coax me into doing, is writing canon characters. I very much enjoy writing in worlds that I love, but I am insanely self-critical when it comes to my writing established characters. I don't mind them so much so being background characters who present themselves on occasion, but I don't much enjoy writing them in a leading capacity. Writing against canon characters can also be a bit iffy for me, as I've seen it go wrong before. But, it is an easier sell than having me write one.

The following are fandoms I will do:
  • Star Wars (preferably something in the EU or Old Republic - I am significantly less familiar with canon).
  • Warhammer (preferably 40k, but will write fantasy/AoS as well, I'm just less familiar with it).
  • Mass Effect
  • Fallout
  • Dragon Age
  • The Elder Scrolls
  • Pokemon (I've had a hankering to do a Pokemon shifters RP for awhile).
  • FromSoft IPs (especially Bloodborne).
  • Fullmetal Alchemist
  • D&D/Pathfinder
  • Shadowrun
  • Cyberpunk
  • Harry Potter
  • World of Warcraft
  • Avatar: The Last Airbender
  • Wings of Fire
This is not a conclusive list, and I may very well be missing some fandoms. So check back later when I inevitably realize that I left something out.

When it comes to original ideas, I am actually of the preference that we brainstorm an idea out together - merging our interests and seeing what becomes of it. As such I will list out a series of tropes/concepts/etc that I find intriguing when it comes to original ideas, and ask that you send me your own likes (or dislikes) when it comes to original stories. In general, when it comes to genres I like to play in, I prefer high fantasy, sci-fi, or one of the various -punks (steampunk, cyberpunk, biopunk, etc..). I am not a fan of slice-of-life style RPs, as - when I write - I want to experience something outside of the mundane, something I can't just get by going outside.

Original concepts/tropes that I like, include:
  • Mythical creatures/monsters (similarly, aliens)
  • Reincarnation
  • Pacts/deals with evil forces
  • Anthros
  • Subverting of stations/roles (ie. a king forced to become a peasant)
  • The presence of the occult and/or Lovecraftian elements
  • Similarly, our characters accidentally (or maybe intentionally) unleashing an ancient/cosmic horror
  • War dramas (or the backdrop of an RP being that of a war)
  • Characters from very different walks of life/contrast between life-experience/station/etc
  • Familial drama (I find people usually sleep on this one when compared to romantic/platonic drama, but it can be so much fun)
  • Seedy political schemes
  • Influence of gods/deities (both benevolent and malevolent)
  • Our characters as fugitives or just generally being on the run from something
  • Characters lying about who they are/or some element about themselves
This is definitely not a conclusive list, just what came to mind initially. Please feel free to reach out with your own likes/dislikes and we can start brainstorming!

... And I think that sums it up for me. I know this post is a bit of a read, so I do appreciate those who read through it all. Whether I'm the partner for you or not, I hope your muse is forever strong!
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