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Primarily erotic content within this roleplay experience. (Expect NSFW content).
Open to new partners
Looking for Roleplays to hold with one other person and develop a story.
Writers involved are looking for individuals to play female characters (Read below for Details).
Fantastical Stories (Read for details).
Stories full of Action and Adventure (Read below for details).
Stories full of Romance (Read below for details).
This RP includes the following:
Sexual and Kinky Themes, Blood Gore, Death.
Hello Everyone!

I am needing some help, I been looking for someone to play Asuna. And I need so help developing plot ideas more and to make new worlds base of the ideas and thing!

Please Pm me to talk or message me in Discord!

SAO Death Game
Month In
First Floor

Asuna would still get one of the few rare looks as a Neko. And she would still be playing a bit solo and some party groups. And she was still being hunted by the many groups. But she would turn them down. And during this time she would not be in a happy place. Then during the exp grains she gets trapped against higher level creatures. And she would be close to losing most of her hp when The Lion would show up. Kira would save Asuna when nearly lost his. And they would pair up and continue together. After the first boss battle she will end up staying with Kira and she would learn some different of his real life secrets and what gives him an advantage. But things will turn when Kirito is after Asuna. And things would get worse. There was still no pain canceling. And blood and gore was more and more. Body didn't disappear. Unless they were put underground. Which leaves the world very real and dangerous. With some unknowns. But Asuna would have Kira by her side and his Legion group known as the 9th Lion Legion.

Hope you like this idea?

Asuna Romance Rp

15 Years ago The Six Kingdoms all forged a peace to push back the attack by the Two North and South empires willing to split up the Six Kingdoms after the victory. But this Victory and Peace would come at a great cost of life. And over half of the military leaders were killed. Asuna, Father's Kingdom, would lead the alliance and the Legion of the 9th Lions. However the Sacrifice of over 15,000 that was over half of the legions and its commander. Arcturus Caesar Yamato the III, Would lead the attack. It would gain the Alliance time to reform and build a defense, leading to the final victory of the second war. But the Legion would disappear again, But their Orth returned in order to service their commander's son. Kira Artorius Yamato is named after the first King Arthur of the Six United Kingdoms that was split into Six after his death.

15 Years late to the present. Six months after Princess Asuna's fathers death. The kingdom is in trouble. Princess Asuna has turned 18 and she is to take over the throne. But she needed to be married under the law. The Council is split; most want to just have Asuna rule and worry about her marrying later. And the other half is the other mindset. As one of them has been after Asuna hand in marriage for the last two years. But Asuna's father was waiting for other options. Asuna's military leader and advisor she knows for young. Their parents brought peace. Kira was given his father's old post when he turned 16. And he was four years older than Asuna. He had the trust of many of the council and of course Asuna. The Council had decided to have a fighting and military hastilude. And Nobles would come to try and win Asuna's hand. But she would askes Kira to fight in the Tournament as her champion for her rights to choose. She had feeling for him as well. He felt the same for her.

Kinky Asuna Idea

In a world of power and slaves. Asuna has become the new leader of a large kingdom. And she would want to get her own personal sex toy and prize to show off her power. And she goes on campaign. Raids several towns and then she turns her power to the capital. But she had some luck at the fort camp. One of the patrols would find the princess and capture her for she was spying and trying to get information. This was perfect. They were the savage princess before Asuna. And after the city would fall. The princess would be put on trial and be treated to Asuna as a captured savage. And she would be forced to be sex slave and to go through the humanition of Asuna victory March and her sex bdsm crucifixion for the princess for her pleasure of seeing her sexual kinky in public.

Asuna Rp Idea outline (need some more creative minds!)

A new VR game came out and there were a lot more players that most of the other games out there. Over 10,000 players. This game was offering more graphic and new weapons and advanced tactics in the game. There would be blood and gore. And many new types of weapons and Armors. Hp would be the most important there was a bleeding a critical hit happened. This world would have many different maps and rare locations. As well a epic boss fights and other things that made VR games made crazy. But the other thing was the more sex things that can happen in the game was a bigger draw. But little did the players know that the world was going to become a death game. And that had to fight to live and that clear the game or fine the way to get log out controls. With risk, love, and death many new things can be born.

Here a plot outline.