• Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying! We are an 18+ multi-genre roleplaying and writing community open to writers of all types. Sign up today to have access to our forums and join our other talented members!

    After signing up, be sure to check your spam folder for our confirmation email. Due to the nature of most email servers' filters, emails from Umbra are often incorrectly marked as spam. Don't forget to check your spam folder and mark our emails as safe so you can continue to receive emails and notifications from your new roleplaying home!
  • Hi there Guest! It looks like you haven't verified your email just yet - you should receive a notification from umbraroleplaying@gmail.com (it may go to your spam) with a link to click. Once you do that, this notice will disappear!
  • Hi there Guest. As a reminder - when you are updating/editing your threads in the Requests areas - it is sent to our approval queue to be checked against our site rules. It will take about 24 hours to approve and post. Questions can be sent to Auntie Angel!
  • Hi there Guest! After every update - things are bound to be broken. We're no exception.
    If you notice something is missing or not working properly, please use the Bug Report Form to make Rei aware of them. Even if you feel it may be user error or that it doesn't need to be brought to someone in admin. Do it. I assure you it will help leadership in the long run.

Site Bug Report In Progress Bug Reports

Is this an emergency bug? No

When did this error first occur? Jun 8, 2023

Where were you on the site when this issue occurred? Conversations/DMs

Have you cleared your cache? No

Please provide details of the error you are seeing. username is strikedout? not sure if this a bug or if it just means the user left the conversation.

Can you please provide a screenshot of your error? File(s) attached


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Is this an emergency bug? No

When did this error first occur? Jun 8, 2023

Where were you on the site when this issue occurred? Conversations/DMs

Have you cleared your cache? No

Please provide details of the error you are seeing. username is strikedout? not sure if this a bug or if it just means the user left the conversation.

Can you please provide a screenshot of your error? File(s) attached
This means the user has left the conversation
Is this an emergency bug? No

When did this error first occur? (DID NOT ANSWER QUESTION)

Where were you on the site when this issue occurred? Yes

Have you cleared your cache? No

Please provide details of the error you are seeing. This might just be another firefox quirk, but sometimes when I try to view the chat window it doesn't show anything that people said. I found that it works properly again if I close and reopen the browser. I can't get a screenshot now, because it isn't happening. I'll add one later next time it happens.

Can you please provide a screenshot of your error? (DID NOT ANSWER QUESTION)

Edit: Happened again, here are the screenshots:

Chat closed:


Chat open:


Edit 2: I think I figured it out. Somehow it defaulted away from the general chit-chat room. When I tried just now to type something, It said "Invalid room", but then I clicked on "General chi-chat", and all the messages appeared. So I guess it's as simple as that.
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Is this an emergency bug? No

When did this error first occur? Jun 28, 2023

Where were you on the site when this issue occurred? When you click the 'chat' tab of the navbar up top, may be on other places, too.

Have you cleared your cache? Yes

Please provide details of the error you are seeing. The footer isn't at the bottom of the site. Status bar stretches the visible code past the predetermined body limits, floating and clipping the footer under the status bar. The body code needs to be adjusted to make it more responsive. Either that, or move the status bar somewhere it doesn't break the page at? I dunno, whatever y'all wanna do to fix it. ; u;

Can you please provide a screenshot of your error? File(s) attached


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    Is this supposed to happen.png
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Is this an emergency bug? No

When did this error first occur? Sep 14, 2023

Where were you on the site when this issue occurred? I wasn't on the site

Have you cleared your cache? No

Please provide details of the error you are seeing. I created a thread in the group rp area (https://www.umbraroleplaying.com/index.php?threads/ongoing-group-rp-all-are-welcome-akiras-cafe-and-inn.7259/page-4#post-58573) about a month ago and it's going well.

Three people are writing, and it was at a pivotal point so I was eagerly awaiting replies but got no alerts or emails like I usually would... I figured people were just busy. But no, I just dropped in and it's been busy - a new person even joined!

I have continued to get emails about watched threads like Introductions. But I stopped receiving emails about direct message updates and updates on my RP.

I did get an alert about a direct message I apparently received yesterday but I didn't get an email like I always used to...I did not get any alerts on my RP having activity.

Can you please provide a screenshot of your error? File(s) attached


  • I defintely have it marked as watch.png
    I defintely have it marked as watch.png
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Is this an emergency bug? No

When did this error first occur? Sep 14, 2023

Where were you on the site when this issue occurred? I wasn't on the site

Have you cleared your cache? No

Please provide details of the error you are seeing. I created a thread in the group rp area (https://www.umbraroleplaying.com/in...me-akiras-cafe-and-inn.7259/page-4#post-58573) about a month ago and it's going well.

Three people are writing, and it was at a pivotal point so I was eagerly awaiting replies but got no alerts or emails like I usually would... I figured people were just busy. But no, I just dropped in and it's been busy - a new person even joined!

I have continued to get emails about watched threads like Introductions. But I stopped receiving emails about direct message updates and updates on my RP.

I did get an alert about a direct message I apparently received yesterday but I didn't get an email like I always used to...I did not get any alerts on my RP having activity.

Can you please provide a screenshot of your error? File(s) attached
This should have been handled in this update: https://www.umbraroleplaying.com/index.php?threads/quick-note.7561/#post-56757

Is this an emergency bug? No

When did this error first occur? Sep 18, 2023

Where were you on the site when this issue occurred? Coversations

Have you cleared your cache? No

Please provide details of the error you are seeing. Conversations with a friend of mine are showing up as being from a completely different friend.

Can you please provide a screenshot of your error? (DID NOT ANSWER QUESTION)
Is this an emergency bug? No

When did this error first occur? Sep 18, 2023

Where were you on the site when this issue occurred? Coversations

Have you cleared your cache? No

Please provide details of the error you are seeing. Conversations with a friend of mine are showing up as being from a completely different friend.

Can you please provide a screenshot of your error? (DID NOT ANSWER QUESTION)
??? Can you please DM me details?
[SOLVED = For anyone else, delete the original folder that the PMs were assigned to before they were assigned the Current RP label, this will change the default folder to inbox and they will populate the inbox for that label instead of the folder for that label that doesn't exist]

Is this an emergency bug? No

When did this error first occur? Nov 17, 2023

Where were you on the site when this issue occurred? Inbox / Conversations

Have you cleared your cache? Yes

Please provide details of the error you are seeing. I marked my rp PMs as Current RPs using the pre-made label. They have not appeared in Conversations - Current RPs for over 30 minutes. They are no longer in their original folder and I cannot find them anywhere else.

Can you please provide a screenshot of your error? File(s) attached


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Is this an emergency bug? No

When did this error first occur? Apr 20, 2024

Where were you on the site when this issue occurred? Doing the various steps of Account Progress

Have you cleared your cache? Yes

Please provide details of the error you are seeing. Despite reacting to the RT Guide, it never showed progress.

Can you please provide a screenshot of your error? File(s) attached


  • Screenshot 2024-04-20 155925.png
    Screenshot 2024-04-20 155925.png
    89.5 KB · Views: 4

Is this an emergency bug? No

When did this error first occur? May 5, 2024

Where were you on the site when this issue occurred? Editing my request thread

Have you cleared your cache? No

Please provide details of the error you are seeing. while I was editing my request thread I briefly went to remove one of the tags from the title. It opens up a separate window on desktop, and after deleting the tag I saved changes to the title section of my request thread. Unfortunately, this deleted all the edits I made to the document portion and reloaded the thread with the text unchanged.

I'm not sure what causes an issue like this, but something having to do with conflicting messages between the two separate save buttons, one for the text of the thread itself and one for the title portion.

Can you please provide a screenshot of your error? (DID NOT ANSWER QUESTION)

Is this an emergency bug? No

When did this error first occur? Mar 25, 2024

Where were you on the site when this issue occurred? Its been ongoing

Have you cleared your cache? Yes

Please provide details of the error you are seeing. I have been on the site since March 21st, am able to post threads, however it says I have always been told that I do not have the privileges to reply to threads.

Can you please provide a screenshot of your error? File(s) attached


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    Screenshot 2024-05-10 225640.png
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Is this an emergency bug? No

When did this error first occur? Jun 21, 2024

Where were you on the site when this issue occurred? Chat

Have you cleared your cache? Yes

Please provide details of the error you are seeing. After merging her old account and new one. My follow on the new account and the old account PKRhodes was rendered innert. And when I got to follow back it states I'm already following but she does not show up on my follow list or the unfollow button on her profile. Providing evidence for the issue.

Can you please provide a screenshot of your error? File(s) attached


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Is this an emergency bug? No

When did this error first occur? Jun 21, 2024

Where were you on the site when this issue occurred? Chat

Have you cleared your cache? Yes

Please provide details of the error you are seeing. After merging her old account and new one. My follow on the new account and the old account PKRhodes was rendered innert. And when I got to follow back it states I'm already following but she does not show up on my follow list or the unfollow button on her profile. Providing evidence for the issue.

Can you please provide a screenshot of your error? File(s) attached
Please click the ignore button and then click it again. This should hopefully reset it.