I have a couple dynamics and ships I want to try with whatever setting and kinks you like

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Mar 25, 2024
I'm still kinda new to this so dont reply if thats an issue
-when we start the actual rp i wont make any dumb spelling mistakes or grammar errors just not perfect in my planning and chatting
I have several itches i want to scratch af far as character dynamics go, not super bothered about setting or kinks for most of them, the ones at the start are more romance and less smut, the ones at the end are more smut and less romance
ill update them if i change my mind so assume i still like them
ill do first person or third person and im very flexible with how much i usually right

something sweet and caring and romantic fxm,fxf

I would like to play my character, who is ill or injured or overwhelmed from some big stress, or maybe memory loss. you would help care for me sweetly, cheering me up, calming me down as we slowly fall in love <3
i do have lots of more specific ideas but no one has time to read all that, pm me

something very smutty full of free use and a sprinkle of romance fxm,[sorry not fxf i am bi but my gf has very specific rules].
my plan is that we both start fucking each other for some completely un romantic reason, maybe a simple fwb, or coercion, or a financial transaction. but we slowly fall in love, i do have lots of more specific ideas but no one has time to read all that, pm me
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