We Are Called The Wicked

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Omen of Death
I Vote
Aug 9, 2019
Rain ran down the windows of the Mansion as the wind howled and clawed at the barren trees of the world outside. Inside lights and candles illuminated the grand halls of the beautiful home. Music lightly drifted from the parlor and all seemed perfectly calm, like inside the mansion was the eye of the storm. Voices could be heard coming from the study they were low and dangerous. Two males seemed to be having a disagreement. One that would send the underworld into chaos and despair for many centuries to come.

The world is now grey and dirty, the times have changed. The technology is overly advanced and yet the world has fallen into chaos and darkness. The world is in it's post apocalyptic phase. An uprising after everything went to hell. The Underworld Apocalypse is what it was being called. Not zombies or Ghosts rising up no, but all darkness and evil things coming to finally claim the human world as their own, dark fae,vampires, werewolves, immortals, and much more.
We Are Called The Wicked. We are the few and far in between. We rose when the darkness rose. When the world was plunged into never ending chaos, we rose when the dead conquered the land. We are the fighters, the lawless, the bounty hunters, sell swords, We are The wicked.

In a world full of danger and dark deeds, the world was a mess. Those who rose to take it,turned it grey and desolate, it could all be traced back to a dark rainy night. When two men were arguing and one was killed for not being open to the thought of supernaturals co existing. The world was plunged into spiraling madness and chaos, almost worse than the chaos Gotham City had been put in so many times.The world was gangs and crooks dark and filthy.

The Ones they called The Wicked were the hired hunters, the enforcers, the dangerous ones.

In this Grey world of desolate despair, there was one place that seemed to be untouched by it all, A place called Haven. A place neutral and good and some darker beings living in peace and harmony. However it is hidden and very hard to find. This story however is about the wicked ones who reside in a place called the underground or underworld. No not that underworld, that one is just under this one. This place is where all the dastardly, seedy, murders, thieves, assassins go to live work and make a life. Under the Dark Hogshead Tavern, way down is the ancient city of floating lights. This is where the Wicked ones meet. They are the few and the many. All types of creatures have joined the alliance.

Now the Wicked ones have been tasked with a new adventure and test, they have been given 3 names by the Oracle. 2 were to be found and safely brought to Haven, if the information the traveler and companion are carrying, were to fall into the wrong hands, eternal darkness would be fall the world,and the cold would never end Ice would cover everything and life would be snuffed out forever. The third name was a target a traitor in Haven that must be killed.

Small group 6-8 people of the Wicked Order traveling to find their targets and get to Haven safely. They will have many trials to overcome. Each is a deadly assassin of the wicked order.

Haven: The Golden City where survivors can live without being touched by the darkness that surrounds the City
Underground/Underworld: Seedie town in the depths of the world
True Underworld: where the Lord Hades Rules for all to fear, and hate
Dark HogsHead Tavern: Tavern in Underground
The High Table: The council of Dark creatures who rule the world now
Assassin Alley: where all Unsavory sell words can buy weapons and the such
Rogue Table: under the Dark Hogshead Tavern where the Wicked ones meet
Ragnarok: Godly City where Greek and mythological Gods reside high up in the cliffs along with many of the creatures that come along with each godly myth and DemiGods.
Valhalla: City of Vampires where The Mighty Vlad resides or Dracula
WestWood: Dark misty woods where the were people, witches, elementals, zombies and wood/bog/swamp monsters reside. Also Home to the illustrious Wendigos
Nightshade Cove: where all the water folk like sirens, mermaids, and much more reside.
House Of Air: For fallen Angel's, Valkyries, and winged creatures that fly in the sky
City of Lights: Main city for all those who do have there own pack, coven, or city

Wicked Ones
Vampire: Taken Male
Werewolf: taken Male
Witch: Open Female
Fallen Angel: taken Male
Siren: Taken Female
Demigod: Taken Female Daughter of Anubis or Hades
Two 'Humans' That must be led to safety:
Male Taken and Female taken

Vampire lore: wip

Werewolf lore: wip

Witch lore: wip

Fallen Angel Lore: wip

Siren Lore: wip

Demigod Lore: wip

Demon Lore: wip

Human info: wip​
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I'm still working on my rping so I'm not that great
but if your ok with not long posts I take the werewolf male