Fortress: Inwit

  • Thread starter Rogal Dorn
  • Start date
  • Sci-Fi 
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Stories filled with Science Fiction

Rogal Dorn

The sight before you in the site was a singular Thunderhawk with the bright yellow, white and black of the Imperial Fists, the defenders of Terra and the bulwark of Humanity against the horrors of Chaos and the Warp. Not that you would likely know their usual foes. For you were, at best, from the Astra Militarum or perhaps a lowly citizen of the Imperium. Perhaps your world was under siege or in the middle of a rebellion, perhaps it was a Recruiting world. Perhaps you were running from the Inquisition or the creatures of the Immaterium. Or perhaps, you were a Xenos attempting to sneak aboard and find where the ship was going.

The yellow clad defenders of Humanity seemed observant, you could press your luck hard and try to bribe your way or sneak aboard. You could plead to them for access to the Thunderhawk and off the world. Perhaps you could challenge them for the rite to recruitment. So many possibilities to choose from, so many outcomes. So little time to pick and so many potential consequences. What ever will you do? (Join the rp, all are welcome!)
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