What Song Are You Listening To?

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A song that I hope can help raise the spirits of those who were targetted by Hurricane Ian. It's a rather hopeful song in terms of lyrics and well yeah, have to hear it to understand what I mean.

You Raise Me Up by Lena Park, its the english version of the same song she sung in Japanese for Romeo x Juliet anime but I thought it was fitting for a song of hope, no?
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I listen to this at all times of the year, but it's appropriate for spoopy season.


This song just is one of those that is eerily relevant to me and my life, and it hits me like a punch to the gut in the best and worst ways, making it an enjoyable but bittersweet listen each time I have it on in the background of whatever I'm doing.

Fitting song. Even more so fitting to those who really know me in my close circle of acquaintances and friends. ;)