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Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying!
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Still have not played the third one yet but I am loving this song <3

That makes me super sad to hear.....I have been waiting for that game since I was in highschool....:'(

What kind of pokemon are you? Scream that shit!
Gotta second Nyct's sentiment on KH3, the game is very bad for the long wait. The music though was very good, but that's to be expected from Utada~

I just found this and I am loving it. Makes me feel all adorable and bouncy.
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I roll whenever I decide to liste to this Youtuber, mostly because the titles are just *raises okay gesture*
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That is the creepiest Miku I have ever seen...... o.0
That model is literally called "Leggy Miku" and I actually had a asthma attack from laughing when I first saw it.
I love that him and Caleb basically trade off on 80s covers. The best ones are them working together though, with Rich and Jules.