Waking Void: Deja Vu

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Stories with a touch of supernatural experience (Read below for details).

Doc Sock

If I'm a pagan, I'm the good kind.
Oct 23, 2021
Sock Hospital

Things have gotten bad. Very bad.

The majority of the human population has been put into a medically induced coma to preserve resources,
and to keep as stimulated as possible, share a stable, and largely mundane interconnected dream world.

Monitored mostly chemically, it is dull. People go to work, train, live there lives, but crave something more.
The reality is flexible, and some people gain unnatural powers, not through blind rebellion like in the Matrix, but through appealing to the mass Unconsioucness.

Its rare for dream people to die, and they generally replaced by the Unconsioucnesss without the living person experiencing much trouble, but it is possible for the sleeping individuals to have heart attacks if things become too extreme. There are also rumours of Sleep Police, authority figures who weed out those less productive members of society, and "put them to sleep", which may or not be a reflection of practices held by the people managing the comatose masses.


Something stuck in my head.

To begin you adventure, you character will be gifted with a memory, something that cuts through the chemical haze of obliviousness. Include with your character sheet a link to a song- the more popular the better. It will appeal to the Unconsioucness, and grant you three perks, of three levels of power (chosen by me, based on my interpritation of the song. Don't expect it to be too literal). You will have the chance to pick more songs later on.

Perk 1: Player is good at staying under the radar.
Perk 2: Player is very good at detecting hidden weapons.
Perk 3: Player can teleport at will, once per day.

(What's that weird noise in the beginning? Oh thats my dad eating muesli.)

The rest of your character sheet should be:

Occupation: (Includes training)

Past Errors: (Something that would make them worried about the Sleep Police.)
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