Umbra's Moderator Search!

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Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying!
We are an 18+ multi-genre roleplaying and writing community open to writers of all types.
Click to sign up!
Jun 12, 2019
neither here nor there.

Hello, hello, hello, Umbra people! Thanks for coming to my post. I really appreciate it. You're damn lovely.

Let's cut to the chase: Umbra is currently in the market for two (2) Global Moderators! With the site's memberbase increasing by the day and @Nyctibius and I being boring adults with jobs and lives and other things that need handling, we're searching for two individuals who can help manage the site day to day and keep everything happy and chill.

Interested in being a Global Moderator for Umbra? Please fill out our Staff Application Form (click here to access application) and send your completed form to @Nevermind.

Please note that this is a volunteer position. We are looking for individuals excited about the opportunity to help keep Umbra a safe and welcoming place for people to write. We are less concerned with filling the spots quickly and more focused on filling them with the right people, so even if you're reading this post a week or even a month late, feel free to send in an application!

Unfortunately, we cannot offer a position to everyone who applies. Please give staff a few days to look over your application and send you our decision.

Any questions? Feel free to post below or shoot me a message.

Happy writing!