Til Death Do Us Part

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Sleeping Umbran 3281

In Umbral Hibernation
Celestial Sleeper
Feb 15, 2022


Long lived the King.
But without an heir to the throne, and no living relatives- the country of Rinehardt is left wondering who is to take over. Young Knights and Guards and Lords and Ladies throughout the kingdom have stepped forward- claiming they have the wits, the strength, the determination, the perseverance, the power, the connections… etc! to become the next king or queen. So, between all of the brilliant volunteers, the best, brightest, and strongest have been chosen.

There's a catch though. All of those who have stepped up seem worthy enough to live and breathe their country. But would they die for it? They must, as is the age-old tradition. After a banquet ceremony where the lords and ladies will meet and meet with the press, it has been decided that the volunteers will be whisked away to the wild and Enchanted Dunkel Forest. There, they will fight for their country and throne. The last surviving male and female will be crowned the new King and Queen of Rinehardt.
Those who have volunteered must be of human race. Rinehardt is a wonderful country where magic and mythological creatures rule the wood, and anything is possible. What will happen? Who will be left the victors and will be crowned King and Queen?
I am definitely interested in this! ^_^ I do love some medieval roleplays.