The slaughter in the sky,

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Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying!
We are an 18+ multi-genre roleplaying and writing community open to writers of all types.
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Sleeping Umbran 618

In Umbral Hibernation
Celestial Sleeper
Dark Leo The Paragon
Aug 13, 2020
eyo hit me if you are interested in doing a star trek or xmen rp via the forums, pms, discord, whatever. pairings list is below, theres a couple of wildcards in there but mostly its fandoms. for xmen i can do modern au or 50s au. pretty much generally au tho. im over 25/m, few limits (bestiality, pedophilia, you get it) good with smut or gen, but would prefer a partner closer to my age range. no minors please.

genres include political intrigue, war, trauma, family, foreign language/culture, student/teacher, sentinel/guide, post-injury charles, 5year mission shenanigans, starfleet academy, fluff, angst, stockholm/lima, kink/d.s, sex, drugs, rock n' roll, YELLING, dark exposition, organic chemistry, twisty psychology, narrative switchiness, strange-upside-down nonsense, TiMER, true love, military, time travel, orions, vulcans, romulan refugee crisis, etc etc.

i have tons of plot ideas, loads of different character incarnations, am very flexible (go ahead and throw my guy off a bridge if you want i generally roll with things) and write anywhere from 1 line to 10 paragraphs depending on whats up. please be willing to play off of me and drive the plot as well. let spock say fuck

♡ charles/erik (any)
kirk/spock (aos)
elnor/picard (pic)
data/picard (au)
house/wilson (any)
sarek/amanda (any)
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