Seeking Partners for LGBTQ+ OC based RP

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Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying!
We are an 18+ multi-genre roleplaying and writing community open to writers of all types.
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Open to new partners
My preference on communication:
Please contact me via Direct Message (link)
Hi, nice to meet y'all! I'm just getting back into writing and RPing and looking for some partners to play with. I'm not big on fandoms, I tend to only play OCs but I'm happy to explore a specific setting or world from a fandom as long as you assume I know nothing about it.

About me:
I'm a 32 yo woman, Pacific timezone. I work a standard 9-5 so I'm available most evenings and can reply every 2-3 days. I write several paragraphs per reply unless it's a fast sequence type of scene (fight scene, etc.)
I'm will play 18+ characters only and would prefer to RP with people 21+.

- I only play OCs, I'm not into fandoms but would be open to exploring a fandom based world with OCs
- I like romance and plot focused RPs in slice of life, or magical realism settings.
- Any pairing is okay by me, but my characters are almost always LGBTQ
- I like stories with robust side characters or multiple pairings, the MCs don't exist in a vacuum
- I'm okay with smut as long as it's not the main focus of the story and has relevance to the plot, happy to write out erotic scenes or fade to black, either is fine with me.
- I'm okay with moderate kink depending on what it is. Ask me if you have something specific in mind.

- Omegaverse/mpreg
- Harem/RH
- Furry/anamorphic/shifter
- Overly dark themes (slavery, forced prostitution, murder, etc.) I don't mind these as backstory but don't want to play them out myself.

Some suggested plots ideas
  • Character A is a career driven engineer who is convinced that whatever next milestone or achievement in life will finally make them happy, Character B is a botanist turned artist who has opted out of the rat race. They meet in a hiking group and find each other completely aggravating before realizing they're exactly what the other needs.
  • Character A has been cursed and living with the effects of a magic spell messing up their lives, but they absolutely do not believe in any of this magic nonsense. Character B is a professional magician who has been hired (or volunteered) to help them break the curse.
  • The characters meet on vacation in some faraway city and instantly fall in love under the twinkling lights. They spend all of 3 days together. Afterwards, Character A decides to surprise Character B by visiting their city, and quickly learns that everything Character B told them was a complete fabrication.

These are just ideas to get things rolling. Feel free to post here or PM me if you're interested in any of these, or have your own plots to suggest!