RT Forum split

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Due to the recent vote over the last 3 days, it has been decided that the One on One RT forum will be split into two; one for plot-focused threads, and one for sex-focused threads. The forums will be named as follows;

One-on-One Plot RTs
One-on-One Smut RTs

I am accepting better names if there are any suggestions.

Due to the size of the task, the current One-on-One forum will be converted into the One-on-One Smut RTs. This means that any plot-focused RTs will have to be moved, by myself or the moderators.

To help facilitate the process, I've made a temporary 'Plot' prefix you can add to your existing RTs. We'll use that to move your threads if it's there. If you can't add it for whatever reason, you can also ask us to move it for you. The prefix can be found at the very end of the list.

This change will not go into effect until April 10th, probably in the wee hours of the PST morning.
The forum is made, and threads tagged with the Plot prefix have been moved. If you want yours moved, contact a member of Umbra staff and we'll get it switched over ASAP. Some quick points:
  • I'll leave the Plot prefix available for a week and check it again next Sunday evening/Monday morning to move any threads that have subsequently added it.
  • If there are any errors I ask that you be patient with me and the other mods. Let us know in the clearest terms what the issue seems to be.
  • This is all subjective. If you want an equal mix of smut and plot in your RPs, then you can post an RT in either forum that is essentially a copy. You can also create one RT in each, one for plot and one for smut. The rule of 'one RT per user' remains, there's just two forums for that now.
  • I think that's it for now.
If there's anything else I'll update this post with it. Questions can be sent to me via DM, or posted in the Questions forum.

Be excellent to one another!
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