Pokémon, The Otona (Adult) Region

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Sorry, I'm now full. I have a person that sent a PM asking for a slot before you did. From experience if I have more than three other players in an RP, I'm sure things will bog dog considerably

@Veritas1321 same message to you, but you're the first alternate if one of the first three drops.

@Radio Man @Lyrical @Linguaphile1990
Getting ready to start. This Thread will also be the "Out Of Character" Discusion Thread.

I'm building as we go along. Your three characters are natives of Chisana Village, a sleepy little fishing village on the coast. You all attended school in Rabo Town and slept there five days a week, but took the bus back to Chisana for the weekends.

Original Post is up. https://umbraroleplaying.com/index.php?threads/the-otona-region-pokémon-adventure.3018/

There is only one route and it connects Chisana with Rabo.

Here is what's in Rabo Town: Professor Paw-paw's Pokémon Lab. Pokémon Center. Pokémart. Journey-Mart (Clothing, Hiking and Camping Supply Store). Food-Exchange Mart. Chisana Elementary School. Chisana Middle School. Chisana High School. Chisana F.D. Chisana P.D. Chisana Meeting Hall. Chisana Youth Hostel. Residential District.
Awesome Sounds Good Ill Look into the Information and Write up a Character Sheet :D I should have it ready today or tomorrow