November Writing Prompt

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Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying!
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November comes around with some big changes for our sweet Americans, and apparently so much so that I totally forgot to do this the first Monday of the month, oops! But now, trying to get back on the track, I wanted to come up with a prompt that people could view whatever way they felt most comfortable. Cameras are part of our lives in so many ways, I'll leave it up to you to decide what kind of camera it is and what to do with it. As always, the prompts are to be used in a way you feel most comfortable creating; story, poem, music or visual art, traditional or digital, or - very fittingly this case - photography. Feel free to post your creations below for all of us to admire. Now to the prompt!

'A photograph is a biography of a moment' - Art Shay
Cameras are everywhere these days, they watch over us when we step outside in the shape of security cameras, and most of us have cameras in our phones. If something happens, it's as easy as pulling our phones from our pockets to start taking pictures of it, or take video of the instance. Cameras are great at capturing emotions, events and people, it can be turned into all sorts of amazing art, but it can also be used as a weapon, if we're not careful.

Extra challenge! Make sure to include the mention of pencil case in your creation.