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Sleeping Umbran 176

In Umbral Hibernation
Celestial Sleeper
Sep 2, 2019
Hello! Thanks for taking a look at my request thread. I'm brand new here, but have a fair bit of experience with writing in general. I have a handful of plots I'll list below, along with some elements I look to include in a story. I'll try to keep each idea fairly skeletal, as I'd prefer to plot out the major details with a partner.


Not all of this stuff will fit into every idea. This is just a general breakdown of the sort of kinks and elements I generally enjoy.

1. Romance: I don't always lean towards love at first sight sort of pairings, but I generally prefer it if our characters start to fall for one another at some point. I prefer writing genuine connections that go beyond just sex (though sex is obviously nice too).

2. Bondage: I enjoy writing light pairings, but I find that a lot of my plotting starts to move into this territory at some point or another. This can involve ropes, cuffs, blindfolds, gags, and things of that nature.

3. Risk/Peril: This can mean a lot of different things. A lot of my pairings are kind of secret relationships, and I enjoy examining the risks of their secret relationship coming to light. This can also refer to rescue sorts of situations, as several of my ideas apply themselves to that sort of thing easily.

4. Dom/Sub: This is probably my least used favorite mentioned here, but it is still something I enjoy writing.

This isn't necessarily a comprehensive list, but hopefully it gives you an idea of the sorts of stuff I like to write. I'm also excited to include my partner's interests in any plot we develop!


*The Curse of Capture
So this story could work in a pretty wide variety of settings. I'll keep the prompt fairly vague, then provide a few ideas for how it could be altered for different situations.

Your character is at the top of her game. She's the envy of everyone in her field, always the first choice for a difficult assignment, and no matter how difficult the task, she always comes out on top. Of course, that sort of success doesn't come without making a few enemies. One of her rivals has been secretly dabbling in the dark arts for years, and has gathered everything they need for a particularly powerful spell, the curse of capture. The curse warps probability with the specific purpose of getting the target captured. No matter what kind of planning she uses or how skilled she is, something goes wrong at just the right moment to allow her to be overpowered, bound, and gagged. She never gets seriously injured, and always finds her way out of the situation (either on her own, or is rescued), which begins a series of perilous adventures that will test her resolve and skills.

I had initially envisioned this as a Indiana Jones sort of pulp setting, where a pair of adventurers are trying to collect dangerous relics before the Germans can get them, only for one of the pair to get cursed. However, like I said, it could go a lot of different ways. Your character could be a particularly powerful superhero, while mine is a less experienced hero assigned to apprentice under her. It could also be more of a Dnd setting, where your character is a mage or warrior, trying to find a way to break the spell. Anything could work, really.

* His

23 years ago, an airplane crashed. The only survivor was an infant, somehow unharmed by the explosion. As they examined the boy, they discovered that he had other fantastic abilities as well. The boy was raised in a government facility, where they tried to instill values like patriotism, in the hopes he could become a weapon against various threats. It more or less worked, and for the last five years, Codename: Titan has been thwarting various attacks, as well as preventing international war. The problem is that he is growing increasingly restless. His handlers fear that he may soon go rogue, perhaps realizing that he can take whatever he wishes, regardless of what the government says. Your character is a federal agent, newly assigned to security to the compound where he lives. While he is away on a mission, a group called Rising Tide attacks the compound, hoping to gain intel that could allow him to be recreated. They raid the living area and kidnap your character, hoping she can be interrogated for additional information. Codename: Titan returns before they can make their getaway, however, and after dispatching the Rising Tide members, finds himself drawn to the bound and gagged agent. He obviously finds her vulnerable state appealing, and his handlers can't help but see that as an opportunity. They effectively assign your character to him, instructing her to do absolutely anything he asks, and to keep nudging him towards obedience. At first she might resent the change of assignment, or the fact that her new boss very clearly enjoys the sight of her bound and gagged, but as time goes on, she finds there is a certain appeal to helplessness.

*An Amazon Prize

In an attempt to forge an empire that spans the world, the kingdom of Alidar has sent four colony ships to the different corners of the world. Each is to create a colony that will send supplies and knowledge back home. Three of the vessels land safely in their destinations, but the forth is hit by a storm and accidently washes up on the island of themyscira, home of the amazons. Amazon law forbids men from stepping foot on the island, so the colonists are captured, along with their leader, Prince Vessek. Alidar's king threatens war to get his son back, but the amazons stand by their laws. The only compromise they can reach is to hold a tournament. An amazon champion will face a human champion in single combat. If the amazons win, they keep the colonists and receive a bounty for the desecration of their land. If the humans win, their colonists are freed, and they are paid a tribute in gold. Your character, the amazon champion, faces off against my character, a human knight, in single combat. While she expected to be far superior in strength and ability, she quickly finds that is not the case. Clearly, this human has some sort of divine blood in him. The fight is intense, but eventually she is defeated. She asks for a warriors death, but instead, he grants her life. It is a fate worse than death. If an amazon is bested and allowed to live, her life belongs to the conqueror, and she can refuse him nothing. Even her strength now fades and returns at his whim. The knight couldn't have known this when he spared her, but now finds himself taking her back home, unsure if she should be used as a bodyguard or a servant. At first, the amazon is humiliated to reach her new land bound and helpless, but there is something about how her new owner commands her that makes her heart beat faster. Perhaps this isn't a fate worse than death after all.

*The Game

The Hale family is one of the most accomplished families in the world. They've made themselves titans of a dozen different industries, and now Bryce Hale is running for president. Given the family's involvement in community improvement, along with their powerful connections, most believe he's a lock. But there are a few who believe their act is a little too good to be true. Your character is one of those skeptical individuals, perhaps a reporter or private investigator. Since she cannot get close to Bryce, she has focused her attention on his son, Mark. Following him one night, she sees Mark bribing a public offical to help his father's campaign, but before she can tell anyone, she is spotted. Her evidence of the incident is destroyed, and she is captured by the people she was spying on. She expects to be dumped in the river, but once his business is completed for the night, Mark orders her free, confident that nobody will believe her story. His confidence proves accurate, much to her annoyance, and the whole thing only encourages her to try again. I'd like this to become a game of catch and release between the two. She keeps finding evidence that he's up to no good, only to get caught and be his prisoner for a bit, before being freed to try again. Over time, he's start keeping her captive for longer spans, and eventually she might come to enjoy losing as much as she does the idea of winning.

*Illogical Love

I have a craving to do a love story between a starfleet captain and a vulcan officer. I've thought about doing this in regular continuity, but I think it works better in the mirror universe. Basically, my character is the captain of an Imperial vessel, and yours would be his one of the few non-humans in the fleet. Non-humans aren't particular trusted, so the only way she has managed to survive is to make connections with her commanders. When she is transferred to my character's ship, she quickly finds herself acting as his captain's girl, fulfilling his every desire when they are off duty. The arrangement is logical, as it offers her protection, but she didn't expect to start to enjoy it over time. Perhaps when the two start to care for each other, she can start to whisper in his ear about supporting the alien rebellion. Given his position, he could make a powerful ally for her people.

I'm also open to doing this in an original universe, or with a non-vulcan species. I'm also open to trying to come up with a human/vulcan pairing in the prime universe.

I think that more or less covers it! Please send me a message if any of these ideas jump out at you.
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I'm trying to return to the land of the living, so I thought I would give this a bump.