Love Island RP

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Sleeping Umbran 3431

In Umbral Hibernation
Celestial Sleeper
Mar 7, 2022
Plot: Looking for love, romance, flirting, friendship, banter, games, and a whole lot of drama then you have stumbled upon the right place. Welcome to Love Island. Where 12 lucky hot singles have a chance at love and winning. So are you ready for getting dressed in outrageous outfits, play cheeky challenges, and get grafting? And of course, you'll pick your partner in tense recouplings and get the chance to share special moments with them. Have your very own holiday romance in paradise by just joining this Love Island Roleplay!

Summary: Love Island involves a group of contestants, referred to as Islanders, living in isolation from the outside world in a villa for 25 days. To survive in the villa, the Islanders must be coupled up with another Islander, whether for love, friendship, or winning the contest. Only one couple will win the Love Island Couple Title. On the first day, the Islanders couple up for the first time based on first impressions, but over the duration of the series, they are forced to "re-couple" where they can choose to remain in their current couple or swap and change. Any Islander who remains single after the coupling is eliminated and dumped from the island. Whilst in the villa, they have a common tab phone, from which they receive texts informing them of the latest challenges, dumping, events, or recoupling. Islanders and couples are typically faced with many games and challenges as friends and as a couple.

The roleplay is already filled and ongoing, on its 10th day. I am looking for new male members to enter as wild card entries. And I am looking for people who can be maximum active cause the roleplay is very active. Comment interested if you are!