Looking for some fandoms!

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Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying!
We are an 18+ multi-genre roleplaying and writing community open to writers of all types.
Click to sign up!
Stories taking place within the context of existing fiction (Read below for details).
My preference on communication:
Please contact me via Direct Message (link)
Jan 29, 2023

- I'm 27 and my pronouns are they/them.
- I work as a behavior therapist for children with autism.
- I love cute things and horror.
- I'm very laid back and love ooc chat.
- I will draw art of our characters and send memes and songs.​

- Yes, I'll double!
- Since I work full time, and my mental disorder makes me struggle with being motivated, my replies may take up to a few days.
If I'm taking too long to reply, just message me and yell at me!
- I write paraform roleplay and length depends on the need. I might feel inspired and write 10 billion paragraphs or give you just 1 for simple dialogue.
I don't care about your length!
- RP is fun and distracting for me. I don't expect you to stress yourself out trying to impress me, and I expect the same from you!
- I prefer OC x Canon, but will do OC x OC or Canon x Canon for you if you want!
- I'll play any canon character you want from the fandoms I list! I'm pretty confident I can capture their likeness and enjoy writing new things.
- LGBTQ+ friendly! Don't bother messaging me if you're not an ally.​

➡️➡️➡️ Pokemon Scarlet /Violet ⬅️⬅️⬅️
(Seeking Larry)​
- Stardew Valley
(Seeking Krobus*)​
*This is not open for erotic rp on my end. I'll do whatever you want on yours tho!
- League of Legends
(Seeking Jhin, Renata, Azir, Zed, Vel'Koz, or Pyke)​
- Library of Ruina
(Seeking Nemo, Hokma, Oswald or
I would love to write this in general.)​
- Lobotomy Corporation/Wonderlab
-God of War

(Seeking Sindri)​