July Writing Prompt

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Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying!
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June came and went, and we're onto July! Is this year going fast, or is it just me? Clearly it is, as it took me this long to get this month's prompt up, apologies for that. Anyway, thank you so much to BleedingLover, dunklunk and pechadur for joining in last month under the prompt 'Dolls', reading your creations makes me beyond happy! I wasn't quite sure what to come up with as a July prompt, I feel that most prompts I come up with are pretty fitting for Halloween, less so for other times of year. So I went with something many do during summer, and I know not all get to do, so how about we have a little moment and go there with our characters, with our art?


'Heat, ma'am! it was so dreadful here, that I found there was nothing left for it but to take off my flesh and sit in my bones.' - Sydney Smith, 1854

What comes to your mind when you think of summer vacation? Is it about flying somewhere exotic, or staying at home with your loved ones? Obviously, no one's travelling much right now, but in writing you can be anywhere. You don't have to write about where -you- would like to be either, it could be just a background for a story, or other piece of art. Summer holidays are places where all sorts of things take place, for some, they are time to relax, for some, it's time to renovate the summer house. I remember the car rides to our grandparents' summer cottage when I was a kid, stopping at every gas station to pee and get some snacks. Seeing people you only see in summer because during other times of the year, you live too far away. Please, post your creations below, be it written, drawn, painted, piece of music or anything, I'd be happy to have a peek!

Extra challenge! Make sure to include snakes in some form.