Jaws of the Devil - A Cage of Eden-inspired RP

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Stories filled with Science Fiction

Jurassic Weeb

"Something is happening in the sky... The sky is opening up-!"

On May 16th, 2020, all contact was lost with Yamada Airlines Flight 217. The plane, a passenger flight traveling from Guam to Tokyo, reported a loss of power and altitude before going radio silent. After months of searching, nothing was found. No wreckage, no bodies, no survivors. It was as if the Flight had simply vanished into thin air. Rumors circulated, with one name consistently popping up in conspiracy circles.

The Devil's Sea.

Records showed that Flight 217's trajectory projected the airliner flying through the region. With a reputation akin to the Bermuda Triangle, stories had circulated about the Devil's Sea for decades: disappearing ships, mysterious lights, strange beasts seen by seafarers. But that's just an urban legend.

... Right?


Okay, so the setting of the RP is heavily inspired by the manga "Cage of Eden", with elements borrowed from other sources, including Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's "The Lost World", "Land of the Lost", and the Jurassic Park franchise. The characters of the RP will be stranded in a strange land populated by dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals. But in a survival situation, man can be more dangerous than any beast.

The creatures of the RP, though given speculative traits for rule of cool/scary/plot, will endeavor to be as scientifically accurate as possible. For example, if a pack of Velociraptors is encountered, they will be feathered and turkey-sized instead of scaly and as large as a man.

The two main parts of the RP will be survival and exploring the new land. Several mini-arcs are planned as of now, though I would appreciate input for future scenarios from RP players. I have a character sheet template written up, but there's a twist: all character sheets must be submitted via PM. All character sheets will include a character's deep, dark secret, which will be used as for potential drama/plot points. Once the CS is approved, the secret will be removed and saved elsewhere for planning purposes.

Any and all feedback is appreciated.
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