Interest Check- MxM & Poly (trans-inclusive)

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Sleeping Umbran 1742

In Umbral Hibernation
Celestial Sleeper
Constellation Builder
Sep 4, 2021
New York
Hey all! I'm on a phone, this is gonna be a bit scattered. Bear with me, sweets!

So, I recently binged the readable chapters of a super cute webtoon that gave me an idea to spice up and expand upon. Nothing super complex, but something that has potential for intricacies as we go.

Four fellas from 4 different walks of life dorming at a university. At first, there were two couples... but eventually they all begin to notice one another, fantasize about one another, and pine for one another more and more. One couple makes the bold suggestion that they might merge, something the four talk about at length and decide they'd really, really like to try it out.

None have any experience with polyamorous relationships, however, and so this is a whole new ride for the four as they navigate their new feelings and this new arrangement.

(Going out on group dates or dates with each other individually, group sexytime or private sexytime, we can run scenes quite a few ways!)

Points to consider:

This plot will be openly trans-inclusive and I will not argue that point with anyone. I have had people message me about similar allowances before on other platforms and I find the phobias to be stale and ugly in this day and age. If that concerns you, we may not be a very good fit.

This plot would be most suited to 4 characters who had a few similarities but are otherwise very different and unique to one another. The webtoon itself operates under labels, i.e., Jock, Goth, Prep, and Nerd.

As a for instance, two characters in the story already knew one another long-term. Once we fill slots and situate, I'd like to plot relationships and such to assess history between characters.

Depending on interest I'd be okay using real photos or with anime photos, but it'd probably be best to take a group survey once we fill slots.

I've found that poly groups operate best with at least half or most being switches, or even switches with a slight lean. It leaves room for different scenes and rotations. Submissives and Dom's aren't being ousted by any means, it's just food for thought!

This will be... what's a good word? Literate is a poor descriptor but it'll do, I suppose. I'm looking for well-written responses, a few (2+) paragraphs each. Nothing insane but anything shorter than that will be a major letdown for me, reeeeee

I think this could be fun with supernatural species involved? Ultimately, please let me know what y'all think!

A sample sheet, of what a sheet could possibly look like for the boiz:

Age: (18-20)
Gender: (he/him, they/them, he/they etc)
Status: (Jock, Prep, Goth, Nerd)

Jock: Open
Prep: Open
Goth: Taken, Shenzi
Nerd: Open

Looking for more snacks for the boy buffet, please.
ooo I love that webcomic, I've been following the artist on twitter for awhile now! And yes, I fully support the idea of supernatural elements being implemented! I'd be open to rping the nerd if they're still open :eek:
I would be so down to do this idea! I would love to play Prep! Supernatural Elements could be fun depending what we all had in mind :D