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Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying!
We are an 18+ multi-genre roleplaying and writing community open to writers of all types.
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Howdy all, I'm Confused_Frog9613, but please call me Ellie. My pronouns are they/them. I'm 25 years old and have been roleplaying for at least 15 of those years. I am disabled so replying can be hard sometimes, but I specialize in paragraph style, 3rd person past tense. Quality over quantity is my big thing because I know how scary and draining writing Multi-paragraph/novella can be. I typically rp Fandom x OC styles but I could be convinced into a fantasy-style roleplay too.

I am Polyamorous and have3 different partners; one nesting partner/husband, one long distance courting partner(basically no labels but romantically involved), and a casual long distance partner. I also have two cats, Khaleesi and Freya-Bean, who are my absolute world. It won't let me attach photos of them because the photos are too large, but I'll happily show whoever wants to see them in PMs.

As for Hobbies outside of roleplaying, I really like to play video games like Ranch Simulator, Minecraft, Red Dead Redemption 2, Dragon age: Inquisition(origins and 2 are on my to-do list!), stardew valley, and silly horse games. I cannot wait for Astride to come out! I also watch Anime, like JJBA, MHA, Demon Slayer, and I'm just starting on JJK, And other netflix shows like Heartland, and free rein. My disabilities are mental as well as physical, so I can't really go hiking or anything, but I can do vertical gardening and other easy cottage core things like making bread, jams and other foods.

That's all I can really think of right now, but it's nice to meet you all.