Hit Me with your Best Shot! (Pick up Lines)

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I literally do not have the courage to use any kind of pickup line, let alone approach someone I don't know and try to use one. But why not throw one in.

Do you like bad boys? 'Cause I'm bad. At everything. Especially math.
not really a pickup line, but i have done this to my partner while sitting next to them:

"did you know that the distance from here to here" *taps my hand on their shoulder to close to their neck* "is the same distance that it is from here to here?" *extends my arm and taps on their shoulder closest to their neck, then their shoulder, ending in my arm being fully around them*

it was a hit
I'd like to eat you with fava beans and a nice chianti <slurp slurp>.
*Awkwardly stumbles in*

If you were a vegetable you would be a cute-cumber!
If you were a triangle, you would be an acute one!
I should complain to Spotify about you not being named this week's hottest single.
If I had a star for every time you brighten my day, I'd have a galaxy in my hand.
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