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Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying!
We are an 18+ multi-genre roleplaying and writing community open to writers of all types.
Click to sign up!
hey there, the name is milk and i'm a 27-year-old stink goblin located somewhere in the wilderness of the midwest with a non-existent sleeping schedule and chronic gaming addiction. cool with all pronouns. i also love to collect cassettes and vinyl, watch horror movies, fill my shelves with books i'll never get around to reading, and reminisce over retro video games and consoles. i also have four cats and honestly, i'm always wanting more.

writing is a passionate hobby of mine, and i've been in the business for about a decade and a half now, both in tabletop and forum form. so here i am looking to explore new places to meet some cool new people. might have caught me lurking around on some other sites, but i remembered i had joined this one sometime last year and decided to jump back into it now that summer is approaching.

looking forward to getting to know some of you, see you around!
Pedro Pascal Friends GIF by Disney+

Welcome back to Umbra! Glad to have your addition to our merry band of writers here and I hope you enjoy yourself <3

If you haven't already, please Check out the Site Rules ^^ It's been awhile and you may need a refresh <3
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