Group Original Grimdark RP [Seeking 2+ people]

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Sleeping Umbran 871

In Umbral Hibernation
Celestial Sleeper
Feb 14, 2021
About Me:
My name is Eldritch, El, or EKT. I'm a 30 year old female who is chronically ill so I have a lot of time on my hands. I've been RPing since I was a teen and I love to use RP as a stress relief and to enjoy myself. I love writing and worldbuilding. I try to reply multiple times a day, but due to chronic illness, some days might be less replies or no replies. I tend to write between 300-1000+ words depending on partner and their replies. I typically match paragraph count, so if you give me 5 paragraphs, you will get 5 paragraphs back.

Rules and/or Requirements:
I am looking for someone with a penchant for grimdark fantasy and worldbuilding. I am looking for someone who is at least fluent in English and am open to ESL and minor mistakes. I'm pretty open when it comes to response time as I get real life comes first. I do not like one-liners and prefer typically 2-5 paragraphs at a minimum. I'm not asking for purple prose to fill up space but give me something to work with because I put my best into my writing and it sucks when someone replies to a 10 paragraph post with a 5 sentence reply that is written so half-assed you can tell they aren't even trying. I'm open to threads or PMs, so it's up to what my partner wants. As for limits and kinks, I'm pretty open kink-wise, but my only limits are underage, scat/vomit, animals, major character death [NPC/minor character death is fine, just don't kill off my main character lol] and necrophilia. Everyhing else is a go. I can play one character or I can double so I'm open. I also like threesomes and moresomes as well, if that is your thing.

I am looking for a Grimdark fantasy, something gritty and dark similar to Malaz or A Song of Ice & Fire/Game of Thrones. I play both male and female characters. I also play switches so I tend to be versatile as to whether I play against subs or Doms. My male characters tend to prefer men over women and my female characters tend to be straight.

Characters I Play [I can play all three or one or two if we're doubling, tripling, etc]:
- Ammara is a Cadre Mage. Her Army nickname is "Trouble", as that is what she gets herself into all the time. She's 25, so still young by Mage standards, but she is good. Just not as good as she thinks she is. Ammara is ambitious, almost to a fault.

- Mallok is an assassin. He's in his late 30s and has been through hell and back. He is remorseless and cruel. He is known as the ruler's lapdog and is given free reign to do whatever he wants in regards to getting his "tasks" done.

- Giovanni is a devout worshipper of a death god, but the price he paid was steep. He isn't fully sane and it shows.

Plots: Open to any and all ideas. I would love to work out ideas with the partners who want to work in this group.