Got a cool idea from a song by powerwolf!

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Heyo all this ideas still pretty rough around the edges and i most likely will change it with others input but the basic is that since the beginning of the crusades the church employed by all accounts demons men and women who could change into beasts and other beings of the darkness, these dark warriors still held allegiance to the church and god thus becoming a valuable tool to be used by the church.

Now in the modern day the still uphold the peace between the worlds of the mortals and the dark grim world of inhuman monsters( kinda like the organization of the hellboy films and comics) shedding the faith of the cloth and instead imploying technology and international support. Like i said its a pretty rough idea and im hoping to get more ideas with people who are interested! As for the rp itself ill more then likely make a discord server for it, as for characters im pretty chill with whatever! So yeah thats the idea and im hoping to find aome swell and awesome writers to help my dumb thought become a fun writing so yeah pm mw or just comment on this if your interested and i hope everyone has a swell day!
Are you saying I could be...

...a girl's best friend? Lol, but seriously; it's an interesting premise and I'd be potentially interested if I could hear more.
Are you saying I could be...

...a girl's best friend? Lol, but seriously; it's an interesting premise and I'd be potentially interested if I could hear more.
Shoot me a pm if your interested fair warning ive been pretty busy as of late so replies might be few and far between but ill try