From A Realm Of Hell

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Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying!
We are an 18+ multi-genre roleplaying and writing community open to writers of all types.
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Sleeping Umbran 102

In Umbral Hibernation
Celestial Sleeper
The Celestial Sweet of Celebration Galactic Lolipop Androgynous Pride Demipansexual Pride Gay Pride
Aug 10, 2019
What's up guys (and ladies, and all those in between or otherwise)? Welcome to my little slice of hell. I'm lyriclyrandom. You may call me by my username, Lyricly, Random, River...or whatever comes to mind. I'm a 22-year-old non-binary and I don't care for pronouns. Been roleplaying for quite a long time now, and I'm still not the best. Nice to meet ya!

As for roleplay...I'm completely open! Any pairing, some smut, some romance, just about any genre...yea. Just please, no god-modding my characters unless it's dire for plot and you ask me first. If you have an idea, ask me about it.

What am I craving? Mostly Pokemon, Slice-Of-Life and Horror.

Hope to see your PM's soon. And yes, I prefer PM's. Thank you!
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I'd like to do a Slice-Of-Life roleplay with a character with DID (Dissassosiative Identity Disorder). Is anyone interested? PM me please?
I think I'd like to do some roleplays based off of the Warrior and Survivor series, as well as the Uglies series by Scott Westerfield. Maybe some Divergent and Hunger Games if anyone is interested. I may start posting random characters as well to see if anyone likes them and would like to use them.
Anyone remember the Country Bears? I was listening to a song from it and thought "hm, Beary should have a love story". If anyone is interested, PM a female OC with a backstory of why their bear character is "humanized".

How about the song Comatose by Skillet? Anybody? I was listening to it and thought "wouldn't it be interesting if a character in a coma kept having shared dreams of a relationship with another character? And when A finally wakes, they find out B has been searching for them and goes to be with them?"

Remember the music video for Wake Me Up When September Ends by Green Day? I'm thinking a tragedy for this one. The couple are highschool sweethearts, then with all their plans character A decides to enlist. Character B is upset by this. I'm thinking either it's a mix of this song and Whiskey Lullaby by Brad Paisley and Allison Kraus where character A either is on leave or is coming home and character B is with his best friend, it's a mix of this song and What Hurts The Most by Rascal Flatts where B's parents are pressuring A to get a good or better job and after enlisting when they're on their way or when they're on a mission something happens and B blames the parents or something happens overseas and they either come back with severe PTSD and depression or a body or head injury and the couple have to cope.

That's it for my musings at the moment.
Alright, time for a horror fandom. I'd like to do a roleplay based off of The Quiet Place. Anyone interested? Please PM me.
I have a new pairing: DemonXFallen Angel. It's based off of one of the GachaLife videos made for the song Devils Don't Fly (Nightcore version). When I'm not busy I'll post the link.
I'd like to do a next generation Disney at college or a next generation Teen Titans roleplay please
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Hey, I'd like to do some more MxM. Anyone interested? Still willing to do other gender pairings, just craving MxM.
VampireXPrince/Princess love/hate relationship (preferably MxM)? Possibly a group or multicharacter roleplay (can just be the couple), we'll see who's interested. But perhaps either a prince/princess (with friends/siblings or by himself) goes to explore a seemingly abandoned castle in the forest near his kingdom and meets the vampire or the vampire and prince/princess are friends or in a group of friends?
can be a group, multicharacter or just 1x1 but young adult characters that are wallflower misfits in bad situations. Plot up for debate.
FxF. A and B have been best friends since they were little. A was a well-off party girl on a trust fund who had discovered early on she was bi. She had a long string of relationships on into her mid-twenties. B was a studious girl who grew up in poverty with a widower drunk dad who had a string of one-night stands and a dead-end job. She stayed over at A's house a lot growing up until she got a scholarship into the local university, dorm included. In her last year of college (what she studied can be up for debate), she met a boy of whom they moved very fast. By the time she'd graduated and found a job, the two were married. It wasn't until then she'd discovered he was an abusive asshole.

A and B spoke a lot before the wedding. After, B had to sneak secret calls to A. A tries to help, but has problems herself with an adiction. The rest of the plot is debatable, but the two eventually fall for each other.
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I'm craving same sex pairings, pairings with trans character(s) and pairings with intersex character(s). I'm still fine with any other pairing, this is just what I'm craving.

Trans FtM "bad boy" x Good girl/Trans MtF ("bad boy" is only that by rumors) (can be done Male "bad boy" x good girl or vice-versa)

Bad boy x Good boy (can be bad girl x good boy)

Single pansexual mother that was impregnated as a teenager and is now being fought over by a trans MtF character, an intersex character and a feminine subby male (can be all guys after her)

FtM military guy x Scottish rich girl (no flex on this one, meant to be like Mulan x Merida from Once Upon A Time...I haven't finished the series so if one of them ends up with someone else I'm sorry)

Willing to do other Once Upon A Time pairings, just ask.

Again, PMs please.
If anyone wants an anime roleplay, just PM me which you'd like to do. I'll let you know if I've seen it. If not, I'm wanting to make a list of animes I haven't seen anyways. Same thing with shows and movies.
Any Harry Potter fans? I want to do some Harry Potter-esque stories with LGBTQ+ characters.
Jumanji? I mean someone is obviously playing it so let's do a roleplay about it! Old or new, either is fine with me.