Final Fantasy VII - Canon x OC Doubling!

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Welcome to Umbra Roleplaying!
We are an 18+ multi-genre roleplaying and writing community open to writers of all types.
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Hello to all you lovely people, you can call me Sen! This might be a longshot but I'm hoping to find a Final Fantasy 7 roleplay partner for some canonxoc doubling fun. :) I'm most familiar with FF7R but I did play Crisis Core and Dirge of Cerberus a long while back. I've also watched Advent Children, but it's been a really long time, so I don't remember it all too well.
I will say I'm not super knowledgeable on the setting/lore or anything, so if you expect perfection when it comes to that (or in general), I may not be the best partner for you.

I'm mainly hoping to find someone who could play Rufus Shinra for me please! But if not him, I'd also be fine with Vincent Valentine. And if he doesn't work, then maybe Sephiroth? And Kadaj would be my very last choice lol. (I have weird tastes, I know!) I'll of course attempt to play anyone else for you!

If you may be interested, please read the guidelines below to see if we might click!

  • I don't expect super long posts, and I don't really write them either. I write a paragraph or two per character, and would love if you could give at least a paragraph each~
  • I roleplay on-site through private convos only.
  • I am not looking for much, if any, smut! We can add it in if you really want, but I prefer something more story driven!
  • I prefer mxf for myself, but you can request anything for your side! It doesn't even have to be canonxoc if you prefer something else.
  • I love sappy romance, I'm a sucker for it! It can be fast-burn, slow-burn, hate-to-love, etc. Just give me romance please!
  • No need to stress over mistakes or portrayals too much. Let's just both do our best together.
  • I can play side characters and NPCs and would love if you could do the same, if needed?
  • I enjoy AUs, canon-compliance, and canon-divergence, so they're all fair game in my book!
  • Reply speed can be daily, every few days, or once a week depending on life, muse, or inspiration. If it's been more than that, please send a message to check in.
  • I will say I do tend to take hiatuses/breaks often in general if life overwhelms me, so please be patient with me. I'll be patient with you too.
  • • Please try to be as invested/put as much care and effort into both sides, keep post lengths fair and even, etc. I will always be sure to do the same! Nothing makes me lose interest faster than if I think my partner isn't as enthusiastic about doubling or only seems to care about their side;;;
    • Please tell me your favorite animal when you contact me! Just so I'll know if you read this or not. c;
    • Finally, about ghosting - I'm incredibly ghost friendly. I hate to admit that while I try not to, I could tend to ghost for whatever reason, but you're always free to message me again whenever!

If interested, please DM me with the character you'd like me to play for you and who you could play for me and I'm sure we can work something out! Thanks for reading! ^_^