Christmas RP?

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Deleted member 675


Michael Buble - It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like ChristmasA Great Big World - This Is The New Year

Dubbed as the most wonderful time of the year, the holiday known as Christmas is definitely in the air within the city of New York. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, with the Rockefeller Christmas Tree burning beautifully and bright at the center of Manhattan. Decorations are being hung up, along with presents being bought for either children or "that special someone". Snow has started to fall and blanket the Upper East Side of the city, along with multiple schools being closed down early due to the weather. Christmas may be called many other things in many different places, but we all know that it's really about exchanging gifts, telling stories and most importantly, it's that time of the year that you share with your family, friends, or even loved ones. With most people being a Christmas break or vacation for only two weeks, ten friends that differ in age, ethnicities, personalities, and backgrounds, have decided to spend those two weeks with each other. This group of friends hasn't been near or seen each other in five years. So, when they the invitation to meet one of their friends at their estate, what will happen when these friends get together after some time apart? There will be makeups and arguments but when the new year rings in, can they keep their renowned friendship intact?

We will just have to see, won't we?

This is me trying my hand at GM'ing a roleplay in here. But do not get it confused because I have GM'ed before. But this is just an interest check to see who's interested. ^^
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