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Sleeping Umbran 1500

In Umbral Hibernation
Celestial Sleeper
Jul 21, 2021
America (Unfortunately)

  • Bldg. 301


    "It's just the 81 of us, the laundry, and the rat."
    - Philip Labes

  • photos-from-around-nassau-avenue-by-daniel-arnold-body-image-1459786866-size_1000.jpg

    Building 301 is a older and smaller walkup apartment building located in the neighboorhood known as Bed-Stuy. It's home to icons like Jay-Z and Jackie Robinson and has deep root's as a historically African-American neighborhood, however over time Bed-Stuy has become more diverse seeing people from all different walks of life begin moving into the neighborhood to live and grow alongside the families that have lived here for generations. There's always something going on in the neighborhood so you'll never be bored, and if you have to head into the city the J train is only a block away.

    But the focus of our story here is the quaint brownstone known as Building 301 and it's various residents who all share the same space. When they walk up those stairs and close the doors of their apartments what goes on behind those closed doors?


    Thank you so much for coming by to check out this thread! My idea is to have a more character driven slice of life plot through the residents of this buidling and to create a beautiful and collaborative story about a community. I was inspired by the song "In My Apartment" by Phillip Labes.

    If this rp intrests you please let me know below and if I generate enough interest then I'll move forward with creating a thread for Character Sheets and posts. Also if you have any questions or comments please feel free to respond below or send me a DM and I'll reply as soon as I can! Thank you again for checking this out and I hope you have a amazeballs day!
    ~ Nefelibata
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You already know this but count me in! I really, really, really love this idea! :D