April Writing Prompt

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Another month, another challenge! We're closing on to the summer, at least up here, and the snow is slowly melting. Hope this new year has been more hopeful for you guys, you do deserve the best the world can offer you. But we have writing and roleplaying still, don't we? So let's use the power of escapism for a moment here, to escape somewhere no pandemic can reach us, where we can go outside and hug our friends and beloved ones, just to get some strength to go on. On to the prompt!


'It [fantasy literature] is accused of giving children a false impression of the world they live in. But I think no literature that children could read gives them less of a false impression. I think what profess to be realistic stories for children are far more likely to deceive them.'. - C. S. Lewis

Is it too broad of a prompt? I mean, maybe, but I just felt like we all need some fantasy in our lives. Wikipedia says "Fantasy is a genre of speculative fiction set in a fictional universe, often inspired by real world myth and folklore.". Fantasy can be so many things though, it can be closely related to a world we live in, with just a hint of fantastical elements, or it could be straight up Tolkiening and entering a whole nother realm. Let's take a stroll in a magical forest with unicorns, step into an old castle, haunted with spirits or visit a friendly werewolf that keeps the local bookshop, and forget our real life worries for a bit. Please do share your creations here below, I'd love to see them! Written, drawn or composed otherwise, all's good!

Extra challenge! Make sure to include broccoli in some form.
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The Dark Forces

Viktor was beginning to wonder as to what kind of library this was, seeing as how it didn't have a website. Therefore, he was unable to place holds on books, having to physically come in instead. He was here for three volumes, or was that actually four?

Anyways, by his library system detection calculations, he was closing in on the first volume, Greek Gods & How Much Arse They Would Kick In Our Times. The title alone was enough to generate interest, but the fact that the author was British all but sealed the deal. He loved their humour and especially their accent. The title itself backed him up on this.

Instead, an upright book titled, The Dark Forces greeted him. Also of note was that the book was not neatly tucked away on the shelf like all of the others. Rather, it stood alone at the end of the shelf's row where his Greek Gods volume was conveniently located. It also seemed to hum as he looked at it. Reminded him of the taunting chest from Jumanji.

First book collected soon after ignoring the dark volume's attempt to lure him in, he investigated his scrawl for the second book on his list, Cooking French: The Food, Not The People. Viktor loved French food, but the few French restaurants either in or near his neighborhood were quite expensive. He was determined to learn as many recipes as he could, hoping that practice would eventually lead to perfection. Or, more realistically, as close to it as possible. He also noted that if the cook book's contents were as funny as its title, he'd be in for an entertaining ride.

Location. Location. Location. Alarmingly, another copy of The Dark Forces awaited him. Was it the same one as before? he wondered. Nah, couldn't be. That was impossible, he decided. This time, the disturbing tome was tucked directly above his sought after cook book and its neighbors, so the spine could be viewed. Once again, the humming sound could be heard, though it seemed to intensify in urgency. Whatever, Viktor thought, again snubbing the volume.

Apparently, only three books were on his pick-up list, not four. And his final prize was on the third floor. Knowing the library's catalog system, he'd be hanging a left once he stepped off the escalator. An escalator but no website? Go figure. Viktor was giddy with anticipation at securing the final piece of his three-piece puzzle. He assumed it wouldn't be thick with pages, if its title was anything to go by: How To Train Your Cat & Other Myths Debunked.

Viktor heard the now familiar humming before he entered the designated aisle. He immediately stopped. A woman and a man stood near his third book's location. Near enough to hear the humming, yet they acted like all was quiet where they stood, perusing a book together.

While he assessed the situation, he noticed how the entire row of books at eye level was all about broccoli. Same as the two rows above it, and the two rows below it. Broccoli?! A definite WTF moment, no doubt. With the previous "sightings" in mind, Viktor knew exactly where his last book was to be found. The Dark Forces was pulled out just enough to separate itself from the other books, thus calling attention to itself. The now annoying humming seemed to be its soundtrack.

Carefully pulling his How To book from the shelf, Viktor was extra sure not to touch the unexpected and uninvited guest. He shunned the downward escalator and hurried down the stairwell instead. Luckily, checkout went off without a hitch. He hustled home, not even bothering with the local and always available Metro.

With his feet up and his Xbox whirring into life, Viktor reached for his backpack to extract the goodies from earlier today. The cook book would have to be scrutinized for favorite dishes first. It was a toss up with the other two, figuring he'd alternate between the seemingly humorous pair.

Navigating to the Table of Contents, Viktor was interrupted by the sound of humming. So much for gaming, he thought, while swallowing hard. A tentative hand reached into his backpack on the floor right next to his position on the couch, and a fourth book, which should not have been there, was grasped.

His touch increased its humming. . . .
The sea proved tranquil, as that carcass of a ship rocked due to the sparse slamming of waves. Within the corpse's bowel tucked safely from the harsh elements, with nothing but the creaking to acknowledge the resilient soul. The golden-maned agent rested on those knees as the buttocks remained settled against the heel of her feet. Florentina, depriving this world of those emerald jewels, the voyager persisted within taciturnity. The discord of nature, the tumult of the sailors, doing little to whittle away her concentration. For all its boasting of grandeur, life was but a simple yet fickled thing—the notion of security, peace, these shoal concepts unable to ward the clutches of atrophy.

Through the thick foliage of her motherland, the analytical inquisitor noted what prowled within the umbra. The ravenous reality of their world, omnipresent, abating the adolescent need to conjure forth delusions. While most yearned to see the light within men's hearts, Florentina spurned such trifling temptations. The concordant signed was just a parchment with dried ink. Its influence only able to persevere for as long as both sides bequeathed the document power. Skulking just beyond these bony walls, while marred, this arid world endured as the perfect testament. The anecdote that stood as a monument to their sins, one needn't agree with her. They could fancy this servant as being afflicted with pessimism. But, no matter how much one strived to refute the obvious, one only needs to gawk beyond these barriers to observe the epitome of such wretchedness.

However, the agent wouldn't blame these denizens too harshly, for the jungle itself wallowed within rot. The leaves blighted, the shade of its towering trees' respite, also failed to mollify this exasperating epiphany. The illustrious mind roused from stupor, torpidity molted, while the eyelids opened, unveiling those jaded ponds. These sailors were perturbed by their guest, noticing her standoffish approach to be unnatural. Their bewilderment a transient variable, one whose reach established as frivolous as a tiny cock or a barren womb. Whatever they might think, ignorance was a luxury this monk was long since deprived. Their idle bantering transferred to keen ear, yet the tempered heart would not distort due to their abrasive utterances.

The lady of golden locks rose gradually, standing upright, while she meandered through the vessel like an apparition. The sea's air differed from their departure, an enervated hint that they were deep within the bosom of the desert. Briskly, the bone garbed inquisitor ascended the stairs, transcending to the deck of the vessel. The eyes squinted, as initially, they struggled against the luminosity of those binary suns. Thankfully, after a few seconds, those verdant orbs acclimated to the outside. Those nostrils were broadening, taking in the invigorating air, as the curvaceous wanderer gaited toward the edge of the craft. Those nimble digits were grasping the railing as she inspected the sandy coastline of this humble domain.

Florentina, being a seasoned soldier, had visited this dolorous wilderness before. However, that sea of dunes seemed different, given the lack of blood varnishing their cascading knolls. Many lives were squandered as the Dynasty toiled as interlopers within the affairs of a primitive kingdom. A gesture that the agent supposed was shared with equal fervor from the other side of that conflict. Within the distance, the breadbasket known solely as Sandslout sprouted into view as speedily the ship made its approach. The front of the transport cutting through the waters as the otherworldly craft passed numerable farmlands. Those who were toiling away at the fertile soil, desisting their labors. Only to present but a glance at the approaching boat before returning to their mundane duties.
A stoic expression, unfaltering yet equally unamused gaze resided on the umbrella maiden.

Florentina peering from on high as the anchor touched the sea's bed, and ramparts were dropped tethering them to the harbor. Whether or not the Tiefling matched her stare would elicit no external response. They both were somewhat informed, each having their assignments. Life's expiration was a commonplace occurrence, only pushed to the forefront given the victim's proximity to the Eternal House. While libel, those slanderous accusations against her people did necessitate action. Notwithstanding the inquisitor's philosophy, this wayfarer could compartmentalize the possible ramifications if left unchecked.

That voluptuary deputy held no qualms with vaunting her shapely figure. The way this temptress strutted and how those curves bounced with that advance to the docks. They were exposing the soldier's repletion and assurance concerning her sexuality. The agent ceased her movements, standing but four feet away, as the fingers rested along her waist, observing the Tiefling this land dispatched with mild curiosity.

Her roving gaze wouldn't elude comprehension, nor would its libidinous proclivity to remain fixated on her bosom. That or Florentina supposed this Tiefling was appalled, curious, or resentful toward the bounty of her curves? No matter such trifling opinions, hopefully, it wouldn't rear itself during their time together. After gawking like a moth to the flame, the stick in the mud representative finally roused from her trance. While comical, the agent suspected this ruby woman wasn't predisposed to such dazes. Those immaculate brows unfurled, elevating themselves heavenward as Odette referred to the common rabble. What twaddle! Or were the people of this land that spineless?

It didn't matter. They weren't Florentina's burden to bear. That curse belonged to the tailed escort and her egotistically titled "Eternal House." For now, she'd trail along the woman's side, keeping up with her pace rather effortlessly. Her momentum was so wanting that the delegate was tempted to whisk her off those feet. And do this little stroll for both of them.

Odette's honestly was applauded; regrettably, it presented little succor. There were few things as disconcerting as ignorance, especially within their line of work. Still, the feasibility of disinterring a widespread conspiracy was a tantalizing prospect? Was she coquetting? Maybe, though small talk alone would bridge that divide. If they were to operate as one efficiently, some cordial bonds were required. Whether or not this headstrong lady cared for such antics would prove quite...intriguing.

That stroll went at a leisurely pace, forcing the bold inquisitor to languish under those unrelenting rays. The air's arid nature, those blasted specks of sand. A reminder as to why she loathed this southern territory. The two approaching the structure, the sentries posted outside a dead giveaway that this was the alleged crime scene. Thankfully, Odette squandered little time on pleasantries, proving relatively efficient with her methodology. The dogs of her house, establishing far too lowly to merit much of an acknowledgment. For now, a homely nod of the head, while dull, would have to suffice.

Her companion opened the door, gesturing and vocalizing that Florentina should enter first. Those skeletal adorned shoulder shrugging, as long yet muscular legs carried the foreigner forward. The threshold lacked the height for her stature, prompting the vertically imposing agent to hunch over less she banged her head. Once inside, those observant eyes surveyed the scene, quickly deducing the victim was someone financially well off. Why these sand apes fancied gold and other such trinkets over the might of bone and flesh was a mystery to this detective? Odette, marching through, securing that flimsy door before strutting across the lair of the deceased. With the information concerning the actual location of the murder in hand, Florentina ascended those stone steps advancing to the second floor.

The information that Tiefling presented, having no visible impact on her. She had gathered roughly his vocation already, and expiration via smothering contributed little. The golden-maned woman descended to her knees within the center of the crime scene before removing a waterskin from those broad hips. The pearly fangs were clenching onto the seal, uncorking it while gifting Odette a stare.
The leathery flask rested against parched lips, as within that container wasn't water but a reddish sap. A few sips were all that was required before resealing it and fastening the unusual fluid back onto the body. Across Florentina's body, veins became noticeable, throbbing, as the orbs widened. A carmine glow, like that of a bloody haze, outlined her curvy shape. The pupils shrinking as drops of blood fell from the nose onto the floor, leaving behind a thin trail of vapor.

The world around her, seemed so much more alive. Those sounds, colors, and scents, all vastly more prominent as she walked around the room, suspiciously scrutinizing the surroundings. There was little indication of a struggle, was he drugged perhaps? If there had been blood, even if scrubbed, this heightened state would bestow her with insight. Any such bodily fluids would emerge as a gentle glow to those judicious eyes. Florentina pivoted, facing the woman, as the once milky color of her eyes littered in red veins that illuminated in the shade of this abode.

Their time together, spent rummaging through this heinous crime. The Eternal Houses advocate wasn't much of a talker, neither was Florentina. They found a ledger and gathered the lack of a tussle to indicate familiarity between the victim and the assailant. Cross referencing this newfangled information, Odette's intimate knowledge regarding her faction demonstrated an inestimable asset. Tracking this ruffian down, who turned out to be a Tiefling rival within the space of commerce. The two ladies waited till dusk before entrapping the suspect within the sanctity of their residence. When confronted, the male espoused a myriad of lies. However, the possession of property countered his fabrication.

The purveyor of coin, infuriated that his ruse was untangled by two ladies, lashed out in a despondent ploy to evade the hands of justice. Florentina's armor of bone and webbing, deflecting the hidden blade as Odette immolated the failed usurper. Under their otherworldly customs, the act of homicide wasn't a crime, rather his failure to get away with it all. The two women of justice, feeling a kindred sense of relief, as they each bowed. It seems despite being born across the world. Their comparable vocation served as a mediator to disseminate respect.

For now, they returned to their original paths. And as Florentina meandered through the streets of Sandslout, a smile crept across her face. A single line divorcing itself, whether or not what roused within was mutual, persisted obfuscated.

"Two souls, forever toiling within a similar heart. Be it together or apart. May we meet again little Tiefling, and on that day, I pray it is as confederates and not adversaries..."