1st Person vs. 3rd Person

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Do you prefer 1st person, or 3rd person?

  • 1st Person

  • 3rd Person

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Third person. I am not my characters, I'm just the creator of them. I write and create them in absolutely no relation to myself. I don't want to see any part of me in them otherwise I feel like I'm writing a story about me and that's not what I want to do. First person is fine as far as with books or if you are doing your own solo writing but with a roleplay it's not for me.
If I'm just writing a story in general, I don't mind using first person, though I lean more toward third person. (And, on occasion, even write in second person!) (Though that is typically more a writing exercise than anything else.)

When RPing specifically, I roleplay third-person. Typically third-person limited, but occasionally third-person omniscient. It depends on what is going on in the story and if the plot-line is something I am running or my partner is. (I tend towards having either me or my partner take the lead on whatever part of the plot is happening, that way we know we are working to the same goal.)

I find I can get into my character's head just fine in third person; but I do like that distance for when bad things/intense things are happening to my character.
Maybe I should get involved in this discussion because I do have some thoughts on this topic. Okay, to start off I think I should say I think First Person would be really difficult for me to go back to and here is why I say this. I use to write in First Person a lot I thought it was really cool and I thought I could understand my character more it felt normal for a couple of years so I never stopped using it. Until one day I joined a writing site and saw people writing in Third Person and was like what the fuck is this? This isn't how you write I am out, but I got really curious and wanted to know what style of writing that was so they showed it to me and told me to try it out.

I gave it a try and it showed me another side of writing I didn't know about I felt less like my character and more like an actual writer and I saw that it could help me build more characters and scenes and so forth. I also felt like I was watching a movie play out in front of me as opposed to being the character in that movie. I felt more flexible using Third Person so I took time learning how to write in Third Person and how to avoid slipping back into First Person. When I got accustomed to Third Person I never looked back to First Person and I've been writing in Third Person ever since and it's been a big help with my writing when I want to write by myself and when I want to write with others I sometimes got comments from writers telling me I do a good job at writing and that always made me feel good. So I was even more inclined to use Third Person.

I think First Person is still good but I know I can't go back to it because it isn't my style of writing anymore so that is why I said it'd be really difficult for me to consider going back to First Person. Glad I could share my thoughts with you all and my experience.